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30 May, 2024

More photos and my finished Studio.


30 May, 2024

Time flies when you are having fun! Last year in October we had a whirlwind trip to Nebraska, Idaho, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jackson Hole and Yellowstone Park in Wyoming, then over to Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse in South Dakota. Then proceeded down from there to Omaha to visit family before heading back home in Missouri. We saw all the sights we could squeeze in along the way. The weather was wonderful and I got lots of terrific photos but we were exhausted (in a good way)...ha. see a few of the photos. After getting home we started the plans for my new Art Studio here at our new home. December they poured the footings and floor. The Amish started the construction in February and finally finished about the last of March. I now have just about everything moved into my new location and am ready to start some new paintings. I've gotten a little rusty I'm sure. Stay tuned for new works of art coming soon.... Thanks for your continued support and comments on my Facebook account and Instagram. And thanks to all my new art collectors.


08 Sep, 2023

Sorry it's been so long since I have updated by BLOG. I met a wonderful man in 2021 and we were married January 2022. After a long 9 1/2 years since I lost my husband, I was ready to give up ever finding another love. But God blessed me with a great guy,... and who knew I'd find him on Facebook Dating! LOL I've been busy with many changes and losing my sweet 95 year old mother in summer 2022. Steven is very supportive of my painting passion, so I've managed to get a few paintings done in-between working on my mom's estate and moving to our new home. We love to travel so I'm hoping to have more paintings to post as we are finally having more time to sneak away. Stay tuned.....and thanks for all of your love, comments and support . Susan Neese McKinney


28 Nov, 2021

Thanksgiving is over and I hope yours was wonderful. My art friend Cheryl and I managed to get out on a few nice days before to paint some old classic barns. I'll be posting those in a few days. I need to take some time to get good photos of them. On a personal note, I met a wonderful man and we just got engaged, so my life is in transition. Many changes and adventures ahead. Have a terrific Christmas holiday and New Year!!


13 May, 2020

I'm happy to say 3 of my larger paintings will be in the "Big Show", at the Springfield-Branson National Airport, in Missouri, starting Friday, May 15th thru August 14th, 2020. 1. "Close to God" (Wild Blue Yonder) 2. "Dancing Tulips", Oil, and "Early At Artsfest", Oil.


24 Apr, 2019

My most recent updates are on my Instagram site. SusanNeeseArt


31 May, 2016

It was a great 5 days at the first annual Eureka Springs School of Art's Plein Air Paint Out, Arkansas. We had a little rain, but overall it was pretty nice. Approx. 60 artists came from many states, and even Mexico City, Mexico. I only ended up with two paintings, but many good reference photos. And I also met some really nice folks vacationing and celebrating anniversaries, besides meeting some great artists. Here's one of the paintings. "10 Ton- 10 Mph", 14"x 14", Oil. This was from painting on location at the Golden Gate Bridge of Beaver Lake, AR.


10 Feb, 2016

I was honored to represent our Springfield Plein Air group and be chosen to paint on stage during the program by the Springfield, MO Symphony Orchestra last month. It was fantastic to paint as the orchestra played wonderful music. I also was able to get some good reference photos during the rehearsal the day before. Here I am just starting on my painting.


22 Nov, 2015

I enjoyed a recent portrait workshop with Michelle Dunaway, from New Mexico. Here is "Jennifer", an 11"x 14", Oil, I'm working on. Just a few more touches and I'll call this one done.


24 Sep, 2015

It's been a wonderful summer. Here it is the first day of Fall which is such a great time of year here.......but I'm already dreading Winter which gets here before we know it. So I've been out painting on location as much as possible. The school house is my latest plein air painting. I've got 3 different shows I'm participating in between now and the end of the year. One is a "One Person" show. And another "One Person show" scheduled for next May. So I'm tickled to have all these art events to look forward to. Keeps me out of trouble.....ha.
