





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Born in Brisbane, Australia. Grew up in a rural area, with much open space amoungst sacred aboriginal sites. Plenty of space and interest for a young active imagination.

Creativity, whether drawing, painting, writing, or building things was always a passion and continued through to adult life.

Following his inner calling to create, Leo starts his art career in Brisbane, meeting various artists which have remained both good friends and inspiration on the path of creative adventures.

Exhibits and sells frequently. Works published nationally.

2000 moves to Sydney. Establishes studio, continues to paint, and exihibit. Further works published and aquired in collections.

Strengthens contacts with the Fanastic Visionary movement, and finds further inspiration.

2003 after many years of talk and dreaming, finally makes his sojourn to Europe. Establishes studio in Berlin, Germany. Starts to learn German. Travels and meets various artists from the Fantastic Visionary movement, and gets to see their techniques first hand.

Works published in Chile. Exhibits in Berlin, London, and Cologne.

Continues to live and work in Berlin.

Artist Highlights