• Elton Houck
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  • Added 29 Jul 2006
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Good Guys I have known--JOHN WAYNE

(c) 2006 Elton Houck...


. This is a photograph taken of me (the young one) and the actor John Wayne. The other gentlemen was also a good guy--my uncle Corbin.

The 2nd shot includes from left to right- my father, John Wayne, my uncle Corbin and my cousin Gene.

My family was involved in the movie and theater business at the time. The photo was taken in Waco, Texas where they were having a "movie star convention" to promote theatre attendance.

I rode in the parade with the Duke. This was what led me to the conclusion that he really was one of the good guys...A bedraggled street child tried to get to the auto and a big cop pushed the child away. John Wayne made them stop the car right in the middle of the parade, and he got out and removed the child from the policeman's grasph. The Duke carried the child with him in the open convertible through the parade. Afterward, he had his assistant go and buy the child some new shoes and clothes...without fanfare and discretely he did it. None of the press was aware of the incident and of his compassion for a poor disjangled street urchant. He was one of the good guys. God bless him.

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5 of 14 Comments Show All 14 Comments

Anonymous Guest

James Mann 25 Dec 2020

good story

Anonymous Guest 11 May 2011

I feel so much happier now I understand all this. Tkhans!

Julie Mayser 11 Jun 2010

Wow, fantastic!

Mike Helechu 24 Sep 2009

Wow, you were one lucky kid! The Duke was one of my heroes, too. It's great that you have these pics to treasure and protect. Thanks for sharing.

Carrie Ann Watson 01 Aug 2006

Wow! How awesome, Elton! :)