






My work explores the relationship between gender politics and skateboard ethics, the relationship between the tyranny of aging and life as performance. The impossibilities of the freedom of speech and being careful saying what you mean. Impressed by artists as diverse as Wittgenstein and Frida Kahlo, unique synergies are distilled possibilities from both simple and complex discourse, if discourse is at all even necessary. If you can suspend disbelief, please do so. It helps makes the journey so much more delightful. Ever since I was a pre-adolescent school boy, I have been fascinated by the endless oscillations of life, those rhythms of the universe; life. Death. Young and Old. The ephemeral nature of the human condition is what compels us in story, song, myth, and art. Even though what starts out as hope soon becomes corrupted into a carnival of lust, leaving only a sense of unfulfilled desire, and unrealistic dreams, we, the humans, always find a way to overcome those desperate feelings. Solutions abound. We only need to tap into them. We only need to wear a smile. As intermittent derivatives become clarified through frantic and frustrated gestures, the viewer is left with an epitaph for the outposts of our condition. With influences as diverse as Munch and John Cage, tensions are crafted from both traditional and modern dialogues. As shimmering replicas become distorted through emergent and personal practices, the viewer is left with a testament to the limits of our world. I just hope the viewer realizes just how wonderful our crazy, mixed up world can be! Insanity can be simply delicious! Aside from Mac Products, I also enjoy nature, digital photography, drones, aerial photography, and more. With over 35 years of management in both hospitality and construction, I've had as many as 163 employees at one time. Fully literate in all business speak. Enjoy reading Spanish and German literature, and dabble in French, Portuguese, Italian, and on occasion, Catalan lit. I love to travel, and enjoy watching travel shows. I also love nature and wildlife, and work towards a more charitable society by giving when I can of either time or money. I have volunteered at All Faith's Food Bank in Sarasota, as well as helped with the AIDS Clinic there. My volunteerism goes back to age 34, when I was recruited by the State of Florida to teach safe sex. I have the certificate. I've won numerous awards in the art world, none of which are truly popular. Even though I am singing my own praises right now, I'm not comfortable speaking about it much. I at least make an effort to be humble whenever I can be. My beginnings were humble enough. My family is famous for farming and landownership. And music. Ask me about my early musical career. I promise, I'll remain humble. Adobe Software Suite, All Mac OSX and iOS software, trained in MS Windows Business Suite, enjoy playing around on Bryce, Vue d'Esprit, Terragen, and other 3D modeling software. Love RP games, Sims, Age of Empires, Civilization, and many, many more.

3 Images for Still life