• Anneke Hut
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  • Added 06 Jul 2004
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Nature goes its own way.


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yves colas 09 Oct 2014

magnificient artwork,perfect in every ways.great painting.

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Yves!

Bruce Combs 04 Dec 2013

Oh, Anneke! I didn't ever know about this one! Incredible, and appropriate background, and the total white front half! What daringness at all the composition, the shocking contrasts, such stark few colors, oh, but the feathers on the bird. Nature is so hard for us to take, those who actually rarely view the need for food -- we humans don't see what we allow to be killed, and how, and on the big farms often a barely living death no matter what species if humans enjoy eating it, what does the suffering and killing matter. And yet, there is such stark, indescribably beauty here. You, Anneke, I think even more than always in all your other life views, here shout most vehemently why WE NEED MORE THAN WORDS for the most crucial aspects of all life, all living. Painting, and the arts I don't know much but react to some, every one of them, I am sure is crucial to expressing AND to ingesting life. Thank you most humbly. Peace, etc., Bruce

Artist Reply: Dear Bruce, thank you so much for this wonderful comment. You have written the perfect description to this painting! Nature is not cruel, only humans are far away from nature and think they can rule over life.

Filippo Schillaci 09 Mar 2013

Shine all your paintings, fresh and cheerful. compliments

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Filippo!

ruth sears 24 Apr 2011

I love this work Anneke,your wonderful style and the subject really interests me,fine colors,just plain wonderful!!

Artist Reply: It was the first snow that I ever painted and I think I wouldn't have started on it if I had known that it was so difficult! The more I love your snow paintings, Ruth! Thank you for the sweet comment!

Jerry Lee Cline 11 Nov 2009

Strong and powerful is so correct...Excellent

Artist Reply: Thank you for the very kind words, Jerry!

Sigridur Bachmann 12 Oct 2009


Artist Reply: Thanks for the enthusiastic comment, Sigga!!

STAN SWENSON 06 Oct 2009

So strong and powerful a composition, Wonderful Anneke.. Thanks for your comments also.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the wonderful comment, Stan!

Anonymous Guest 24 Aug 2009

Excellent Painting. Very true. Sinister Nature. Painting marvelous done. Wonderful. José

Artist Reply: I do so appreciate your words, José! Thank you lots!

Courtney Harmon 27 Jun 2009

Are most of your paintings in oil? I love your artwork, and thanks for the comment.

Artist Reply: Hi Courtney, thanks for the kind words! Most of my paintings are done with acrylics, I have only made a few oil paintings.

mark farrell 14 May 2009

The eagle is an amazing bird of prey, the symbol of strength and courage. fantastic painting Anneke!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for your enthusiastic comment, Mark. It's very much appreciated!

John Cappello 18 Mar 2009

Spirited.Clearly at the top of the game,witha firm grasp. One of the most diverse and inventive Artist painting today.Provides Pure, Uncontaminated Views. This is KILLER!!! You excell in all your artwork.

Artist Reply: John, what a wonderful compliment! Thank you very much!

Ulughbek Mukhamedov 11 Mar 2009

Very touchingly and a golden eagle really king of air

Artist Reply: Indeed a king, I agree with you. Thank you, Ulughbek!

Faye Facer 31 Jan 2009

Authentic good. Is it a fox ??

Artist Reply: Yes it is a fox. Thank you for the visit and the kind comments to my work, Faye!

Jenna Frazier 07 Nov 2008

This is so great and beautiful, raptors are so amazing :)!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the wonderful comment to my work, Jenna!

Kathryn Lewis 31 Oct 2008

The background you have chosen makes this piece so much more atmospheric.

Artist Reply: I'm happy you like it, thanks a lot, Kathryn.

George Banks 08 Oct 2008

What a great work of art!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the kind comment, George!

Federico Cortese 10 Sep 2008

Hi Anneke. this is the one i prefer from your works. Thanks a lot for your comment

Artist Reply: Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to look at my work, Frederico. I'm glad you like it, many thanks for the kind words.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 03 Sep 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you for the kind comment, Nelly!

Melinda Dalke 15 Feb 2008

Beautiful work-the title and description are perfect. Just stunning!

Artist Reply: Thank you for the wonderful comment, Melinda!

Brigitte Hintner 11 Jan 2008

Hi dear Anneke, as I travelled through your portfolio I found this beauty !Exquisite work !!! Bravo !!!

Artist Reply: Hallo Brigitte, thank you very much for stopping by!

Nira Dabush 10 Jan 2008

Superb composition and great painting,Anneke

Artist Reply: Hi Nira, so good to see you! Thank you very much, for the visit and the wonderful words! :)

Loren Carson 03 Jan 2008

Great work. Well done

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Loren! :)

Mona van der Veen 04 Dec 2007

Great Painting! And especially the unusual motive makes it a Spotlight.

Artist Reply: It was the first time I painted a bird, I'm glad you like it, Mona. Thank you for the visit to my gallery.

annette steens 16 Nov 2007

Geweldig schilderij Anneke. heb zelf het geluk gehad om hier een koningsadelaar op een dood schaap te zien zitten op nog geen 10 meter afstand. Toen het dier besloot om op te vliegen had ik heilig ontzag voor de spanweidte van de vleugels maar ook de gigantische klauwen. Ik houd van zulke schilderijen de natuur in heel zijn glorie. Most wonderful aryt Anneke!

Artist Reply: Dat moet heel indrukwekkend zijn om in het echt te zien! Ik houd ook van de natuur, soms is het in onze ogen misschien wat ruw, zoals hier, maar toch is het prachtig. Hartelijk dank Annette! :)

Jeanie Chadwick 27 Oct 2007

very powerful piece, technically excellent Anneke.

Martha Miller 30 Apr 2007

Very well done Anneke.

Joanna Jungjohann 25 Mar 2007

this is outstanding art, anneke! very well rendered, this is how nature is! CYCLES!! Bravo!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for your comment, Joanna.

Christine brand 03 Dec 2006

It makes me sad the way the world eats and kills itself, it is like a hungry beast all over everything in everything and the young and gentle get it the most. Whenever anyone says, "OOO, that is just the way it is", I can not understand, after many years and never will. I am not complaining about your work, it is done very well, but every time I see this kind of thing, between humans especially the children, it makes me sad. I will never forget seeing two baby Eagles high in a rocky mountain, both bloody trying to push the other out of the nest to its' death. The world is a beautiful and strange place. I don't expect a reply from you, that is ok. I guess, I am just talking to myself. Excellent drawing Anneke! I am wondering what lesson Trinton is talking about...if there is a lesson it is the lesson to love and cherish life, the beauty in it. But the killing and merciless devouring goes on as it always has been and the War rages in the hearts of men. It is written in the Holy Scriptures, One day the Lion shall lay down with the lamb and they shall not kill anymore, that is the day I look for. Peace my friend, Sincerely CB

Trinton Garrett 12 Nov 2005

This has to be one of my favorites, hun. It is hard to see death in the grip of life, or life in the grip of death. But, it is in this cycle that we learn our greatest lessons in life. ((HUGS))

Emily Reed 24 Oct 2005

This is beautifully done, altho hard to see that nature can be both beatiful and harsh.

Renata Cavanaugh 25 Sep 2005

Fantastic work Anneke

Cristina Marsi 04 Sep 2005

Hoho, how is it i missed this one? Excellent job, i love the snowy atmosphere :)

william maldonado 22 Aug 2005

great work! love the eyes of the eagle.

thea walstra 11 Jul 2004

Hi Anneke, perfect work.

Gary Glass 08 Jul 2004

Yes , the old Circle of Life. Very well done

Steph Salt 08 Jul 2004

This is lovely Anneke, niether too sweet or gory. Thanks for your comment on the picture I painted for you, I'm pleased you like it. *Hugs*

Dawn Landrum 08 Jul 2004

The saddness of life and death....you captured the feeling of this so well!

Leslie Carty 06 Jul 2004

sweet work