• Lenny Hall
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  • Image 32 of 78
  • Added 14 Jul 2004
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Skyway My Way

What's the story here?What do you see?


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 01 Sep 2009

Give please. What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive? I am from Eritrea and also now teach English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Where cards are witnessed, items market and many prospectus definition are disclosed to trade people whose volume is only critical when seen scaling to a yard of $90,000 investments and such players." Thanks :D. Bevan.

Anonymous Guest 01 Jul 2009

How are you. Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn whatever state I am in, therin to be content I am from Andorra and now teach English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "View flea markets, vendors, classifieds and auctions in south carolina.Fleas detection, prevention, and extermination find customer rated pest control and landscaping articles." THX :D, Salih.

Tonia Osborn 22 Jul 2004

Fantastick colors that pull together with an amazing array of lines!! Well done indeed..

Geoffrey Chew 19 Jul 2004

...a comet dragging its tale, a mother of pearl giving birth to the dragon, Saturn spreading its rings...

Hilton Harris 17 Jul 2004

This one is really cool man!!

andree lerat 15 Jul 2004


Peter Kripgans 14 Jul 2004

excellent again, Lenny

Nicole Halper 14 Jul 2004

I love abstract~

Alexander Layevsky 14 Jul 2004

This image is excellent!

Bluemoonshadow 14 Jul 2004

My goodness.. This must the highway of the insects.. I see one caterpilier trying to avoid the big rain drops coming down at him... and below him, there is the famous Mrs. Ladybug, minding her own business.. she must get to the store in time for the big sale you see... and under her.. a huge red spider is playing hide and seek... but she is colour blind and she thought the purple flower she was hiding on was red... and her... there is another caterplier looking for his buddy... oh oh.. the other red spider forgot about the hide and seek he was playing.. and saw the first caterplier... wonder what is going to happen... would the rain drop get him?? or the red spider coming to senses and remembers about the game he was playing... hmmm would we ever know what will happen next?? Well, Lenny??

joan warburton 14 Jul 2004


S. Currier 14 Jul 2004

This should be hung in a kitchen.. it reminds me of salad.