• Nira Dabush
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  • Image 491 of 2870
  • Added 15 Sep 2020
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Sep, 15, 2020.
Historic date.
Significant time... At the entrance almost of a New Year, here in Israel.
Signing peace agreements : Israel–United Arab Emirates & Kingdom of Bahrain.
May these agreements of peace lead to more & World Peace.

With Love for PEACE.
Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush. Flag Counter


Anonymous Guest

Ulughbek Mukhamedov 13 Nov 2020

Oh my god how beautifully done thank you dear Nira

Sigridur Bachmann 19 Sep 2020

Very beautiful and meaningful work Nira !

Artist Reply: Dear friend.. Thank you so much. Greetings. SHANA TOVAH.


Wow NIra,what a stunning and beautiful design work! Great Signature Artistry,my Dear Friend! A Fav and POD! May The God of Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob continue to watch over You and Your Family and Beautiful Homeland! Shana Tova! With Love&Prayers...Hugs...Dee&David

Artist Reply: Dear friend.. Thank you so much. Greetings. SHANA TOVAH.

Vernonette Gaddy 17 Sep 2020

Very compelling and meaningful art Nira, especially needed during these times of unrest worldwide.

Artist Reply: Dear friend.. Thank you so much. Greetings. SHANA TOVAH.

Anonymous Guest 17 Sep 2020

This is so beautiful.. love it. LouAnn Knight..

Artist Reply: Dear friend.. Thank you so much. Greetings. SHANA TOVAH.

Anonymous Guest 17 Sep 2020

This is so beautiful.. love it. LouAnn Knight..

Artist Reply: Dear friend.. Thank you so much. Greetings. SHANA TOVAH.

Al Budarin 16 Sep 2020

We ,the world need Peace thought every country .We need Calm.Peace & understanding & Compassion towards one another.We see the powers of each nation signing these agreements year after year,Hopefully these Powerful heads of states of all Countries Abide by this,it's one of our Commandments,We should learn from the past our history shows us ,we need to stop this ,have we learned nothing from the past.Sign it in STONE.& Make every Leader be responsible for what they signed,as they are responsible for the well being of there Country,make it happen this time,Peace to the World

Artist Reply: Hello Al.. Thank you for visiting. Love peace and light. Shanna Tovah!

Anneke Hut 16 Sep 2020

Wonderful! May love and peace always prevail!

Artist Reply: Hello my friend over there.. Thank you so much. Shanna Tovah.

Joanie Holliday 15 Sep 2020


Artist Reply: Thanks a lot dear Joanie. Shanna Tovah.