• Terry Harris
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  • Added 26 Mar 2006
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Two Kittens at Lunch

These are two pretty little kittens of my daughter's. I got to see them at play and run about. I will be a few more paintings with themin it. I used a wacom tablet (hooks to my computer-a art tablet) to paint this bird from a blank canvas. I used PainterIX software. I used the soft grainy water brush, air brush, a little water color, and some pastels to get this look. I also used a lot of blending tools.Earlier I posted an intermedite save that wasn't the final painting. (Sorry, been ill this week, and not as focus as I should be.)

5 of 13 Comments Show All 13 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 09 Nov 2007

And you say I never visit....Jeff

Artist Reply: LOL! Thank you dear husband.

Jessica Beckholt 26 Oct 2006

It's soooooo cute :)!!!

Artist Reply: Thnaks Jessica! I hope to begin a series of paintings and photos in the future to donate to a locate animal shelter to bring them art and some profits for their operations. I have one in mind where I wll be moving in a few months I'd like to help out. Just must remeber not to bring all the animals home with me! Currently 3 adopted dogs, 1 stray 14 yr. cat found as a little straved kitten. AW artist Misty Livingston brought him to me after finding it as a teen on the way home from school. Spaz is my fat baby and our family still tries to beg to take him to live with them at times. I've missed him each time I caved, so here he stays now. Bossing me about.

tazda lawson 01 May 2006

great photo

Artist Reply: Thank you! This painting was a challenge to figure out the metal bowl look, and to do the fur realistic.

Jennifer Hewitt 30 Apr 2006

wow gorgeous work! HAs a really soft feel to it

Artist Reply: Thank you Jennifer! I do tend to paint with softer looks and textures. I think it's because the digital images, paintings and photos get that awful specked, noise pixels the little chuncks that drive me nuts to see in enlargements. This style helps to take that away.

Jerry 27 Mar 2006

Cute picture Terry!

Artist Reply: Thank you! I did a close up of this style, but using a larger brush on Rodger, Gavin's cat that I added a zoomed up image. It doesn't show iup in small images, like this, so will appear more photoish at this viewing size.