• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 13 Sep 2007
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Propitious is the moment when everything I do flows like a river unencumbered. Every sign, every direction and every path opens to a new vista and becomes an unexpected miracle unfolding before me. It is then I know that I am following my bliss. It is like a painting that paints itself. The heavens open in such a way that all the gods smile down upon me and all my planets align and I become one with the universe. Harmony and balance, the Tao, surrounds my very being. A peace and contentment course through my veins. It is a Zen moment. To try and describe this propitious event is like attempting to explain the ocean to a frog in a well or ice to the summer dragonfly. No explanation can be had. No this occurrence cannot be described it can only be experienced. This precious Zen moment cannot be transmitted by mere words. Sometimes poetry and paintings can come close to describing this event but unfortunately they still miss the mark too. No, Zen moments just have to be experienced in order to be known. It is, and always will be, that way. visionary imagist "Joey"


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Brigitte Hintner 16 Oct 2007

Hey Joey , your work is very inspiring I could look over this a hubdred times and it would not bore me....and I love your way with words ! .........give your dream flight.........

Artist Reply: Brigitte: I always look to see your words because they are so insightful and profound. Your artwork is remarkable and I do respect your opinions. Thanks for stopping into my little world and sharing with me. Again thank you!

joe valcourt 16 Oct 2007

great visionary work of art (remember all the zen books: one of my favorite (may be out of print) Zen and the Art of Seeing, Drawing.

Artist Reply: Joe: One of my favorite's is Alan Watts. Are you familiar with him? I actually have some old video tapes of him from the late 60's and early 70's. Thanks for sharing.

T.D. Ruley 10 Oct 2007

cool work dude

Artist Reply: T.D. Ruley: Thanks again for the input. Stop back again. It is greatly appreciated.

Renata Cavanaugh 15 Sep 2007

Beautiful work Joye

Artist Reply: Renata: I could spend all my time just painting planets, spaceships, etc.. They are so much fun to do. Thanks

merle cruser 15 Sep 2007

How did I miss this! The colors compliment each other so well. it takes one away to your world of belief for a moment and leaves one to think deeper into ones self for answers

Artist Reply: Merle: Thank you for being who you are and for sharing with me a part of you. Your words have made my day. Thanks!!

Maria Murphy 14 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Maria: Your time spent viewing my artwork leaves a smile upon my heart knowing that you enjoyed your visit. I feel the same about your work as well. Continued success, Maria!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 14 Sep 2007

Wonderful work again, Joey!

Artist Reply: Alberto: Thank you for your taking time to comment on my artwork. I always look forward to seeing your name on my screen. Again thanks!

Tahnja Wolter 13 Sep 2007

absolutely beautiful my dear friend

Artist Reply: Tahnja: As I prepare to leave for the monastery I realized that all my "planets" were in line, so to speak. I do so look forward to the time I spend there. There is a joy of anticipation in my soul before I leave each time I go. Thanks for sharing!

Cindy Lemoi 13 Sep 2007

Perfect composition. Interesting and wonderful piece of art. Great work Joey !

Artist Reply: Cindy: There is just something about oil paints that I just love. I only work in oils. I envy those who are multi talented, such as yourself. But I do appreciate your sharing your kind words of encouragement with me. Again thanks!!

Emily Reed 13 Sep 2007

Wonderful! So really fantastic.

Artist Reply: Emily: Your words of encouragement do help me to continue pursuing my craft. I am always the student and never the master. thank you for stopping into my little gallery. Do so anytime. Thank you!

Jerry Hanks 13 Sep 2007

I hope the work is really big! That would be great.

Artist Reply: Jerry: Your stopping by and commenting upon my artwork does add to my knowing that I am on the right path. Thank you for sharing and stop back anytime!!

Chris Roukema 13 Sep 2007

Excellent Work, Joey! More Beautiful food for thought and so True!

Artist Reply: Chris: I know that i have said this before but it bears repeating. Thank you! Your art moves me and I appreciate your insightful comments.

bianca 13 Sep 2007

smooth and beautiful combination of colours...

Artist Reply: Bianca: As always I thank you for taking the time to stop and visit at my site. I really do so appreciate your sharing and of course your return. Again thank you!!

Joanna Jungjohann 13 Sep 2007

oh wow, Joey, superb painting.

Lawrence Hickman 13 Sep 2007

great job great composition...intresting