• Janette Ihnatova-Dengo
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  • Added 14 Sep 2007
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In the Bubble

About the art piece:  This is one of two bizarre photos.  I’ve zoomed in on the images within and there are way too many faces to count.  I took this photograph just as a random image and discovered multiple unusual multi-dimensional beings within. I am not kidding either, as it makes no sense to me and I am a very rational person.  It is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen. The other is the "HAUNTING SPIRIT WORLD" and both are very unusual and most intriguing.

Choice of my colour palette: I cropped the photo to enhance the glass bubble of the cake cover and used the complimentary brown to keep it neutral.   

Result: A bubble that seems to look almost 3D as it pops out at you and wants to jump out of the frame.  

Copyright Janette Dengo 2007   All rights reserved.  Unauthorized copying or use of image is prohibited.

Thank you for visiting and viewing my work.  Feel free to leave comments and don't forget to browse through my other works. 





Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 30 Jan 2011


joe valcourt 19 Sep 2007

cool and bizarre

Artist Reply: Thank you Joe

Seth Weaver 18 Sep 2007

Janette all these comments you received on this work are very good and quite valid, The most important thing is what do you SEE. I've had many experiences with the Other Side. It use to worry me but with God as my anchor I'm as bold as brass. Have you had any recent deaths in your family? Are the kids sleeping okay? You know being an artist it is in our nature to see things and to put together images and patterns that other people don't or can'i see.

Artist Reply: Dear Seth. I believe if I told ya on here what I see, many may perhaps delete me and never talk to me again. LOL!!! I see a lot, yes we have sightings in our home, I have orbs following & watching us all the time, non stop. I have pics of one following my son while he was still crawling.... too significant. We are a sensitive family, we all see & hear. Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback. I appreciate it.

Anonymous Guest 16 Sep 2007

I can see spirt people in here.

Barry Huyett 16 Sep 2007

great shot!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Barry

Christine brand 15 Sep 2007

the spirits within alll things show their haunting faces, Excellent that you have seen and caught this.

Artist Reply: Thank you Christine, so much. I'm glad too.

sheila stanley-powell 15 Sep 2007

is this a regular occurance or a one shot deal that you just happened to come across and capture on film? if it's regular, check the time of day, indoor and outdoor lighting, and if there's ANYTHING, even in another room that looks remotely like it. i say that 'cause it's mind boggling how light bends. the last place we lived in had a bay window at the front of the house with a 10' square hallway in between it and the kitchen which was at the back of the house.the door to the livingroom and the door to the kitchen were on a 60 degree angle from each other and the back door in the kitchen was at the very back of the house with 2 partial walls between it and the livingroom and yet, when it was open at a certain angle and the lighting was just right you would get a perfect reflection of the entire livingroom in its' window from the bay at the front. it used to really freak me out until i finally recognized what it was i was seeing.cool photo none the less. hope you don't lose any sleep over it.(on the other hand it COULD be captured souls in the phantom zone{superman series} screaming to be released. if the glass is broken you release all sorts of evil on the world.) it's just a thought......:)(phew, i feel like i just wrote a book, sorry, it's the babbler in me escaping again.)

Artist Reply: WOW, Sheila... I love your comment and all the info. I consider everything and nothing is dismissed, especially reflections this one though blew my mind. I should really post all the snap shots, since they all came in like a wave... slowly appearing... and then the last shot there was hardly anything there. They all vanished. It made me nausiated actually and very drained of energy. I had to take a break and when I came back to the uploaded photos, this is when I realized what happened. I was visited by something, someone... perhaps many, no idea what I saw & why. That's the mystery of life I guess. Thanks so much. :D

Joyce Hutchinson 15 Sep 2007

Love when pictures have stories like this, just goes to show how powerful art is! Nicely done. :)

Artist Reply: wow, thanks!! I totally agree with you on this.

Izabella Pavlushko 15 Sep 2007

I agree with Lynda... I think it's no more than play of light. Anyway thanks for sharing it with us it's interesting to consider ! ~Izabella

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Izabella.

John Davis 15 Sep 2007

very strange and haunting, I have no ideas!!!!!!!!!!!! john davis

Artist Reply: Thank you John.

Sharon Henson 15 Sep 2007

Janette...this is wonderful...anything is possible...I have lots of stories of events that I have experience to me and others.

Artist Reply: Oh Sharon, we could have a life long conversation then. Me too!! Thanks so much.

Emily Reed 15 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: haha!! Yes, that seems to be the case here. Thanks Emily. : )

cynthia berridge 15 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Thank you .....

Lucia Stewart 15 Sep 2007

This is excellent Janette!! Cool image!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Lucia

jamie winter 15 Sep 2007

very cool

Artist Reply: thank you Jamie

Alexandra Dvinitninova 15 Sep 2007

it is only combination of light and glass. If you find them sitting in front of your TV, thats when I would start getting worried. :)

Artist Reply: HAHA!! Now that would be a photoshoot my dear. I don't think I'd ask them to leave... it would be more like, can you turn little to the left, right, etc. Thank you my dear.

Jeanie Chadwick 14 Sep 2007

wow, really freaky, it's not enough that they do look like ghostly faces in a dark and dingy place lit by your flashlight, but some look skeletal and others look like they have their mouths open, moaning.

Artist Reply: YES!! Absolutely, I'm glad you took a deeper look. they are looking directly at me it seems... especially one that looks almost ape like. Weird! Thanks so much for your comment.

Laurie Rawdon 14 Sep 2007

Anonymous is me Janette...forgot I hadn't signed in yet :P

Artist Reply: Thank you Laurie. : )

Anonymous Guest 14 Sep 2007

Gave me the chills when I first opened it...not just the faces but the feeling of energy or movement within the bubble. I, like Jill, never say never so who knows what it could be...but it did make me think that's for sure, and give me that little shiver.

Chas Sinklier 14 Sep 2007

What fun - you have a flare for imagination and drama in your work - I suspect it would be intriguing to consider the work of a psychic some years ago who could put images onto unexposed film - apparently with his mind - perhaps you're in good company - love your photos :0)

Artist Reply: Thanks Chas, you always make me laugh. Thanks for your comment.

Elf Evans 14 Sep 2007

Very interesting house, cake, bubble, work of ART...keep 'em commin

Artist Reply: Thank you Elf.