• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 23 Dec 2007
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There is great freedom in detachment. When I chose to allow something to bind me to it I become it's prisoner. I have often marveled at the lives of Nomads. Everything they own travels with them. There are no imaginary lines drawn on a map that describes the dimensions of their property. They own everything by owning nothing. They live within this remarkable paradox. They are like the birds of the sky or the fish in the sea. Wherever they go they are at home. Deeds and documents are nothing more than scraps of useless paper upon which lie the erroneous description of perceived ownership. Eventually I will become a Nomad as will everyone else. It is upon my death that I will leave behind everything I own and travel as a wanderer. It has been said to me that a "shroud has no pockets" and truer words were never spoken. Yet, since the very beginnings of humankind we humans have placed in the graves of the departed many trinkets, baubles and riches in the false hope that when the deceased awakens on the "other side" they will have their booty with them. It is the greatest of ironies. It is a nice and reverent gesture to place with the departed relics of their former self but it is just a gesture, nothing more nothing less. So,I hope that I remember to use wisely that which I have. And I pray that my God will "save me from my wants and allow me to have my needs". This has become my prayer, the prayer of the Nomad. visionary imagist "Joey"


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shenur masters 24 Jun 2012

beautiful work, great expression!!!

Gabrielle Stahlie 29 Dec 2007

Joey, a nomad is always on the way to better places, to purer water and food, that's why he travels so light so nothing can stop him to reach that goal. It is a ongoing journey to the next oase. It can be be seen as a spiritual metaphore. A wonderful intense painting.

Artist Reply:  I value your words and appreciate you taking the time to share your kind remarks with me. I look forward to seeing your new artworks as well. Thanks again my friend.
Artist Reply: your words are so true. wonderful insight my friend. thanks for sharing with me all your kind remarks and your artwork as well.

Nikolay Semyonov 29 Dec 2007

looks like you loved reading Arabian Nights. wonderful work as always, Joey. Happy new 2008!

Artist Reply: thanks my friend. and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.

Jean M. Laffitau 29 Dec 2007


Artist Reply:  I value your words and appreciate you taking the time to share your kind remarks with me. I look forward to seeing your new artworks as well. Thanks again my friend.

John Fish 28 Dec 2007

I love this moody haunting depiction of a nomad life and the accompanying message is fascinating and inspiring

Artist Reply: John: I did enjoy painting this oil. thanks again my friend

annette steens 28 Dec 2007

superb Joey!

Artist Reply: Your words are always appreciated. thank you

merle cruser 27 Dec 2007

another remarkable painting and prayer. Another chapter!!! Great work Joey!!

Artist Reply: Merle; thanks my friend for sharing with me your words and your art. always appreciated.

Barry Huyett 25 Dec 2007

wow! I tried detactment and found love of family the only answer on this fosaken desert we live on. I a wonderful holiday!!

Artist Reply: Barry: thanks for the comment and maay you and yours have great holiday too

Joanna Jungjohann 25 Dec 2007

mesmerizing work and story; merry Christmas Joey

Artist Reply: Joanna: I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for your continuing support of my artwork. it is greatly appreciated and valued.

Vivianne Couture 24 Dec 2007

Mysterious ! Very nice work and vivids colors. Bravo!

Artist Reply: Vivianne; I do enjoy painting and spending time with my subject. thanks for sharing with me your comments.

Jessica Courtley-Rose 24 Dec 2007

Both are breath-taking!

Artist Reply: Jessica; Thank you sharing with me. i always look froward to seeing your name on my screen.

KC CHANG 24 Dec 2007


Artist Reply: KC CHANG: thank you for stopping by and commenting on my oil painting. i do so appreciate you doing so.

Olga van Dijk 24 Dec 2007

What a powerful piece of art work Joey! I love the Nomad story. Thanks!

Artist Reply: Olga; thanks again for stopping by my little world and sharing with me your valued comments. I do so appreciate you doing so.

L.A. Spilsbury 24 Dec 2007

another fascinating story and painting-It has just a mysterious feel to it and the story gives you lots to think about-

Artist Reply: L.A.: Thanks again for sharing with me. I hope all is well with you. I await seeing your new works as well.

helen tyralik 24 Dec 2007

good example of nomads, like the colors and the composition Joey

Artist Reply: Helen; Thanks again for sharing with me. i always appreciate your valued input.

Nilantha Lokunarangode 24 Dec 2007

very wonderful oil paiting

Artist Reply: Nilantha: Thank you stopping by my little oil painting and commenting. i do so appreciate you doing so.

Cindy Lemoi 23 Dec 2007

Fabulous painting ! Wonderful perspective & composition. Congrats on another successful painting Joey.

Artist Reply: Cindy; i always appreciate seeing your comments on my screen. thank you again for stopping by and sharing with me.

alma groskinsky 23 Dec 2007

Beautifully done...

Artist Reply: Alma: Thank you sharing with me your remarks. i do so appreciate you taking the time to do so. stop back anytime.

Emily Reed 23 Dec 2007

How awesome!

Artist Reply: Emily; I do so appreciate you taking the time to share with me. Thanks again.

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 23 Dec 2007

Great tribute to Nomadic people VI - I so admire the way your mind reaches to different subjrcts

Artist Reply: Ann: thanks for traveling with me to this distant land. I do so appreciate your company. take care my friend.

Maria Murphy 23 Dec 2007

Lovely story you share Visionary/and the oil is out standing/ I am finding it hard to leave this oil,Joey/I always admire the way you paint the skies.BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Maria; thanks for wonderful comment. I do enjoy painting and spending time with each subject. It is like a vacation for me to travel to places that i could never physically go to. Thanks again my friend.

jamie winter 23 Dec 2007

oh man your good. just so good as an artist. wow

Artist Reply: Jamie; thanks my friend for stopping by and sharing with me. It's always appreciated.

Nira Dabush 23 Dec 2007

Fantastic tribute and a unique composition to Nomadic people. Love the contrasts between cold colours to warm colours & the contrasts between this nomadic man to his friends far away riding on camels..Stunning Joey...

Artist Reply: Nira; Thank you for sharing with me your kind remarks. I always appreciate your input and look forward to your art as well.

Ron Johnson 23 Dec 2007

wonderful contrast!

Artist Reply: Ron: thank you for taking the time to comment on my oil painting. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Joke Schotting 23 Dec 2007

Awesome work my pic of the day !!!!!!

Artist Reply: Joke; Thank you for chosing me as pic of the day. I really appreciate you stopping by my little oil painting and commenting. stop back anytime and again thank you.

Chris Roukema 23 Dec 2007

Joey: This Resonates so Loud and True! Most Awesome Powerful Work! Awesome, Painting!

Artist Reply: Chris: Thanks for your insightful comments my friend. I always appreciate your interpretations of my work. Thanks again.