• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 25 Apr 2008
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Dedicted to the Christian World

Photo taken in Old Akko, April 08. Very rare scenery considered Israel. It looks to me, as almost surrealistic scenery. This photo is dedicated to the Christian world and especially to our friend Christine Brand. Christine, perhaps visits AW, Less lately from her personal reasons,but she is in my heart, and for me will be always strong part of AW site. I took this photo , thinking of sister Christine, and especially for her. Love you Christine. Thanks for viewing and commenting. May we ALL have a blessed day !! Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush


Anonymous Guest

Vivian Ogea Allen 31 Dec 2014

An emotional view. Beautiful scene for the eyes and soul.

Bruce Combs 02 Aug 2014

My Heart throbs. Too rarely. vThank you, Nira. Peace, etc., Bruce Combs

Karen Helsing 04 Jun 2012

Great shot, Nira!

Cristina Andrisan 02 Jun 2008

Incredible beauty....Splendid image.

Ruth Kauffman 27 Apr 2008

What a nice thing to do for Christine, Nira!! She is a very special person to me also. She's had a lot of hurts in her life and is still filled with God's love that she freely gives to others!!

Les Jobes 27 Apr 2008

Dearest Nira, you have such a giant heart, this is such a wonderful thing to do for dear Christine. And upon reading her reply to you, she is very happy to know she is thought of. Hope you both are happy and healthy, and that life is treating you kindly. {{HUGS}} :o)

Artist Reply: Dearest Les, Thanks so much for you wonderful visit at my portfolio today, if you wish , you can read my reply to Christine as well. I feel happy healthy, relaxed and full with inspiration ;-)... I always need more time, though. It's the last day of Pesach vacation of the kids here, and so Yarin went with my parents and his cousins , Inbar & Gal today, to enjoy themselves probably at the mall :-) where they also will eat. I know you're sleeping now...so, get up to a beautiful loving day, filled with positive vibes {{ HUGS }} Nira

Christine brand 27 Apr 2008

OOOOO, my! I cry because you think of me! I am truly blessed by you. I always have been ever since you made me the wonderful flower pillow! I Love yo, Nira! I always will, Please remember that. I hope one day to see you, if not in this world, then the one that God, the Creator promised to provide for us. I do not believe that he lies when he says he loves us, in spite of the way some of the world lives. We do not understand everything, being made from the dust of this planet, But I do know that there is more to life than meets the eye. I know that our spirit, our energy and our love is the truth of our existance. You have lifted my soul many times when I was feeling down. I thank you for that! If the great commandment is to "Love One Another" then you have followed that as no other. I have seen it in your life, Miracle Mermaid! when you bless others you are blessing God. He lives, Dear One!!! in the heart of those who try to walk in his way. Thank you very much. You do not know what this means to me. I will cherish your kindness forever. I pray for you there. I miss you always. Hug the children for me and a million kisses to you, MY Sister! Sinseerly CB

Artist Reply: Hello Christine... I believe those tears of yours are happiness ;-) { you are as sensitive as I am }... It's a joy to give, for ME. As it is wonderful to get also at times, and to be able to enjoy the love, that you're being given { i'm taking in general }. What you are being given belongs to YOU, forever..no one ever can take this away from you, and it was meant to be given to YOU. You earned it, by the person you are. As there are reasons for everything. I'm glad I manage to bring moments, you wish to cherish. You know that you brought moments of excitement, joy and talks with me, that I always remember and even talked about it to friends here, in my area. No doubt in my mind, that we have the ability to predict our future, and in some way, you did, for me, without really knowing it. But it's a fact, and I saw it again few days ago, on a comment you wrote, at one of my textile designs... (only me can understand what you wrote there :-) it wasn't coincidence. About GOD, or any name you wish to call that enormous power inside each of us, no matter what religion, we were born into... that same power that may create this world and us all. As I believe he gave us the ability to love ourself, our friends, to feel the LOVE inside and outside ourselves, To create LOVE, And to create with love. The choice what, or how to create with LOVE, is in our minds, hands, sayings or doings...since he gave us, the free choice to choose. Yes...who knows, we maybe meet someday, sister Christine, in this world, or some other time, IN TIME, of Time ;-) ..HUGS BACK, Nira

Jo-Ann Hayden 26 Apr 2008

Beautiful photo

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear JO...Enjoy your weekend, NIRA

Barry Huyett 26 Apr 2008

wonderful pic!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, NIRA

Rebecca Mullan 26 Apr 2008

Wonderful capture and lovely words of tribute Nira !

Artist Reply: Dearest Rebecca..I'm glad to see you here in my portfolio..I hope that things are well at your side of the world... best wishes, Nira

geoff cooper 26 Apr 2008

great capture Nira.... nice work.

Artist Reply: Hello Geoff thanks so very much, enjoy your weekend ,Nira

Joke Schotting 26 Apr 2008

A wonderful photo my friend Nira have a beautiful weekend!!

Artist Reply: Dearest Joke..thanks so much, have a splendid weekend, Nira

Joanna Jungjohann 25 Apr 2008

magnificent shot

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Jo... wishing you a splendid weekend ,Nira

thea walstra 25 Apr 2008

Ahhhhhh they are very lovely Nira. Wish you and your family a happy weekend.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Thea... wishing you a splendid weekend ,Nira

jamie winter 25 Apr 2008

wonderful site and amazing tribute to Chrisitine!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Jamie... wishing you a splendid weekend ,Nira

Autumn Borges 25 Apr 2008

very neat fin love the luandr n the foreground..nice..

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Autumn... wishing you a splendid weekend ,Nira

Emily Reed 25 Apr 2008


Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Emily... wishing you a splendid weekend ,Nira

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 25 Apr 2008

great atmosphere and reminds me at earlier times. would be surrealistic here too. You are such a lovely person dear Nira with all these works and words.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Nellinka... wishing you a splendid weekend ,Nira

Hui Zhu 25 Apr 2008

Beautiful SHOT ^_^P

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, dear Hui... wishing you a splendid weekend ,Nira