My life in four pages

(c)2008 Armando Salas ---- First of all I must say I was very busy during May. I had to draw 24 comic pages but my total production was: 32 comic pages, 62 daily strips and 34 sunday strips. Brave and so fast guy! :-) This means I'll have time enough to paint something this summer.------------------ Today I post these images about "La Voz de Ortigueira" a weekly newspaper published at my hometown. All people know it as "La Berza" (= The cabbage) because it only has four pages :-) The nicknames are a plague at my hometown:-)))))))---------- This humble newspaper was founded by D. Jesús Fojo in 1916. His son, David, continued to publish it when D. Jesús passed away and nowadays Mari Carmen, David's daughter, is the publisher. I knew D. Jesús, a very serious man; David was my father's friend and Mari Carmen is a lady almost in my age.--------------- This newspaper publishes news about people of Ortigueira and foreigners living there. This one was always the main content. People write articles as well.----------------- "La Voz de Ortigueira" published, in 1946, the news about my birth. Before, news about my parent's wedding. It also published the sad news when my parents passed away and I'm sure the news about my death will appear in the suitable time :-) My life in four pages. My father wrote humorous articles (jokes for and about his friends). Very funny.------------- This week, "La Berza" publishes an interview (full cover). It's not the first time. I talk about my life, my beginning as artist... I also talk about Manolito Fojo, Mari Carmen's uncle, an incredible artist. He was the first one to support my art when I was only a kid 8 years old. Often, I think I'm an artist because of Manolito. Thank you, Manolo; if Heaven exists you are there. I'm sure God is enjoying you. I still remember, when you were taking wine with my father, your funny sentence: "I cannot drink because itsn't good to my eyes: I only see idiots" :-))) ----------High resolution file is available at my PRIVATE gallery. Keyword: ARMANDO

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Hiromi Green 26 Jun 2008

wow! You are big star Armando :)

Seth Weaver 18 Jun 2008

Congratulations Armando for your art and your rich wonderful life and all the people you have touched with your work and your words. Yo "Clever Rascal!"

Ana Tirolese 17 Jun 2008


Teresa Dominici 17 Jun 2008

This is great news Armando, congratulations.

Joanna Jungjohann 17 Jun 2008

bravo ARMANDO!!!!!!!!!