• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 06 Apr 2009
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Poem from the Field

Photo taken March, 09.
Fragrance of Spring is in the air...
And I just love it...
Happy Spring to all... Happy passover !
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush

5 of 22 Comments Show All 22 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 12 Apr 2009

BEAUTIFUL Beautiful poetic captures,my Dear Friend!!!Wow.love the composition and color combinations of this Stunning spring beauties!!!FANTASTIC Spring Captures from Your Beautiful Homeland!!!SUPERB camera,work,Nira!!!Happy Passover to you and your Beautiful Famiy!!!With Love&prayers,Dee&David ((((((((((Hugs))))))):):)

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Dee... hope that you are well. LOVE & PRAYERS... Most important HEALTH to ALL of the visitors of my portfolio {{{ HUGS }}}... Nira.

John Graham Inkson 11 Apr 2009

A kind of lupine, but much less compact that the English cottage garden kind.

Artist Reply: Actually, Jhon... it was taken in a small field in my town.. but very near by my studio, there's a garden outside a cottage full with those :-)... Thanks so much. Nira.
Artist Reply: Thanks for all other comments as well. Regards.

Anonymous Guest 11 Apr 2009

It was wonderful meeting you with the camera,Nira. Thanks for the great advice,and exchange of ideas.I made a tour in your sites.I could not sign your guest book,because it is full.I love your cats paintings and also many of your watercolor.Many of them are favorable.The lovers, is very special piece and I want to know if you have more the same style.is it you? she look like you. Many beautiful photographs. Did you visit my site, please let me know what you think. Perhaps we can meet for shooting together.M

Artist Reply: Hi there. Thanks for inspirational comments, M... It was wonderful meeting you as well. I'm very glad you enjoyed many of my artworks. About "the lovers", it is a special piece indeed, I have perhaps only one or 2 in this style... but hope to do more in future. It was done in 2008, inspired by a photo from 1997/8, I think. You're not the first to say she look like me.. My mother said to me, "you painted yourself"... Some say that artists draw, paint themselves .. so perhaps I painted myself :-).. It was not a photo of myself. My painting resemble that couple in that photo. Anyway it is EXPRESSION OF LOVE, between a man and a woman - one expression. Perhaps reality, perhaps prediction. Perhaps ILLUSION.. This is ART, to me... ART, can be reflection of LIFE, in away. LOVE IS ART OF LIFE. LIFE IS ART. I just came back from shooting once more today. It's a good idea to go out shooting together, you have my card, if you have an idea, just call me. Actually, we maybe can do a group of photography. I met quite a lot of photographers lately. Good evening from here.. I'll write to you, what I think about your work shortly.

Olga van Dijk 10 Apr 2009

The title is so beautiful..... Love this.... Love and Light, Olga

Artist Reply: So glad you love my work, Olga. Love & light... NIRA.

Tabitha Borges 10 Apr 2009

stunning floral art

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Tab. Kindest regards. Nira.