• Charles Jones
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  • Image 872 of 2062
  • Added 21 May 2021
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I tried using only watercolor with a little watercolor pencil on this one. I'm trying to loosen up a little though I'm not quite sure that I'm succeeding. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches watercolor probably breaking every watercolor rule in the book. So what else in new with Original Jones Art as he barrels straight ahead here in northwest Austin, Texas?


Anonymous Guest

Dave Matke 21 May 2021

Really cool, I like your use of watercolor . Hope you continue to do more . I like the style and smile : )

Artist Reply: I was hoping w/c might make me loosen up a bit but I find myself the same old 'control freak' I've always been, Dave. I'm not exactly a traditional watercolorist but that shouldn't be all that surprising. I like the pseudo-woodcuts you're doing. You know I did some lino-cuts years ago and added a spot of color occasionally for emphasis. Now, I didn't do many of them; I found them a bit tedious and unforgiving. :)

Ginger Lovellette 21 May 2021

My PIC. Love this one!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Ginger! Trouble with watercolor is, once you make a faux pas. it's difficult to correct it unless you can somehow incorporate it successfully into the piece. I guess if I buckled down and did nothing but that medium for awhile I might learn how better to make mistakes happy accidents. Might being the optimal word. :)

Elton Houck 21 May 2021

yes...i was just thinking all your figures are morose...melancholy, ...and of decidely sad countenance...BUT THIS GUY IS A PARTY HOUND.LET THE SAGA BEGIN...AND BRING US ANOTHER ROUND....LIT IT RIP... SMILES LIGHT UP THE ROOM AT CHARLIES .....

Artist Reply: Yes, Elton, this guy definitely has a smile going on here. Of course, even I smile occasionally---when I have something to smile about. And since I like to think I have a robust sense of humor, I usually crack one at least once day. Glad you like it. Hope you are doing great too. :)