• Terry Harris
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  • Image 392 of 450
  • Added 26 Mar 2006
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Blue Bird

This is a lovely blue bird I came across one day. So pretty and singing a cheerful song. I used a wacom tablet (hooks to my computer-a art tablet) to paint this bird from a blank canvas. I used PainterIX software. I used the soft grainy water brush, air brush, a little water color, and some pastels to get this look. I also used a lot of blending tools.

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Jerry Lee Cline 06 Dec 2009

This is a great one my friend, absoutely beautiful

Nancy Aldrich 16 Jul 2008

This is beautiful, Terry!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Nancy! THere are many of these Mountain Bluebirds around my new home to my surpize! I am getting some bird feeders set up and a birdbath, and planning out a large garden so I can photograph them and get soem painting inspirations for new works. So far they have discovered my car side mirors and keep landing on them to look at themslves. It's comical, but I d have to clean the car mirrors off a lot now. The home I bought was used a few times a year for vacations, so the birds aren't used to having people around. They are finding me amusing so far as they do tend to land nearby when I'm outside and watch me.
Artist Reply: Thank you Nancy! THere are many of these Mountain Bluebirds around my new home to my surpize! I am getting some bird feeders set up and a birdbath, and planning out a large garden so I can photograph them and get soem painting inspirations for new works. So far they have discovered my car side mirors and keep landing on them to look at themslves. It's comical, but I d have to clean the car mirrors off a lot now. The home I bought was used a few times a year for vacations, so the birds aren't used to having people around. They are finding me amusing so far as they do tend to land nearby when I'm outside and watch me.

donald laube 27 Jun 2008

Delicate work is your best so far Terry.

Artist Reply: Thank you Donald. I like changing up what I work on. I like expaning and challing myself to try more subjects. My portrait works are one result of challenging myself. Learning to do my art again by using digital art forms on my own another. I learn something new everyday, and never get loss for inspiration.

debbie collier 24 Aug 2006

Beautiful!! The colors are so great!

Artist Reply: Thanks Debbie! I wanted a cheery bluebird, a favorite bird,along with hummingbirds and pelicans. I felt a nice happy lift after finishing this one.

tazda lawson 01 May 2006

great painting.....

Artist Reply: Thanks Tazda! Birds are a joy for me to paint.