• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 12 Nov 2007
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The New Egyptians

The very hand that grasped the brushes and mixed the colors to paint this small portrait of the vast Cosmos is the very same hand that was created by the Cosmos. The very same eye that sees the Cosmos is the very same eye that the Cosmos fashioned. The very same mind that searches for contact with the Cosmos is the very same mind of the Cosmos looking for me. Deep within my aching veins courses the elements forged in the furnace of an exploding star of some long ago forgotten age. Elemental memories coalescing into a desire so strong and demanding that it literally is in my very bones. I seek to be reunited with my Beloved. It is there that I will find refuge and peace. I will have returned from the place from whence I started and I will know it for the very first time. To be is to be related. All things coexist. Nothing is alone. Everything has proceeded from the One Source, our Beloved, and will eventually return to be reunited. Death is the price we pay for life. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is wasted. The ancients knew that a time would come when a rebirth would arise. They built great monuments to await that day. They were not alone in their hopes and dreams. The universe is just too large to contain only three Earthly pyramids. So vast and numerous is life that it cannot be allocated to just one place. So, here is my painting, a small tribute, to the New Egyptians wherever their new Egypt may be found. visionary imagist "Joey"

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Perfect!! simply beautiful!!!!

jennifer blenkinsopp 19 Nov 2007

brilliant oil.excellent story, thankyou for sharing.

Artist Reply: jennifer: i do enjoy to paint and to write.thank you for noticing both. Stop back again.

merle cruser 14 Nov 2007

I love the story and the painting. visually refreshing and mentally stimulating, what a wonderful thing you share with us. Thank you Joey!

Artist Reply: Merle: I am happy to share my art and words with friends like yourself. It is in the sharing that we advance.

Jessica Courtley-Rose 14 Nov 2007

Joey...again wonderful, awe inspiring art! Wonderful vibrant colors! I thought you might like this quote...it is one of my fav's! You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Max Ehrman

Artist Reply: Jessica: Thank you for the lovely quotation it is one of my favorites as is your friendship with me. Thank you.

linda duffy 14 Nov 2007

im luvin dis piece of work and a wonderful tribute2 the new egyptians but i tink uv found their new egypt joey and its on ur canvas and flowing from ur fingers great piece well done mate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Artist Reply: Linda: Thanks for stopping on by and commenting on my little oil painting. It is greatly appreciated . Stop back anytime.