• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 19 Nov 2007
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The Great Spirit

Upon some distant shore I will arrive some day vaguely remembering the ground on which I presently stand. This moment, the present, placed between the two great eternities, is all that I can really know when I apply my limited senses. Yet, there is so much more to be had. Shamans, mystics and sages know how to engage a different process when deciphering that which cannot be deciphered. These mystical adventurers travel far beyond what can be learned when we limit ourselves to only our five fundamental faculties. It is within these mysteries that I wish to reside. I find deep within the unknowable the most comfort. Strange it may seem to those who wish to understand it all, this position of mine, that I revel in that which cannot be understood and seek what peaceful refuge can be had in knowing that I do not know. This "not knowing" is not to be confused with not learning. Knowledge is most valuable and I pursue it most diligently but it is not the ultimate. There is much more to be learned and learning should never cease. "The unexamined life is not worth living", said the Greek who laid the foundation of Western philosophy and volunteered his very life for his convictions. My mind is limited, I can know only so much, and to pursue the unlimited with this limited instrument, called Me, would be an exercise in futility married to an illusion that I might succeed. Yet, the desire to be complete burns deep within me and I am not alone in that yearning. That hunger for these answers has existed since the very first human peered into the night sky and pondered their existence and the meaning of it all. Humankind has endlessly been searching the stars for solutions and looking deep within the Cosmos for conclusive explanations. Finally, I arrive deep within my own soul and find the entirety of the whole universe waiting there for me. "Know thyself", I heard as I recalled from an early childhood memory of some wise elder's counsel. Yes, there lies my answer, simple and direct, but often at times most difficult to do. visionary imagist "Joey"

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Chris Paradis 28 Aug 2008

As above so below~ tumble in the starry glow~

joe black 26 Nov 2007

hi. dots of texture also million stars.

Artist Reply: Joe: Thanks for noticing my artwork. Glad that you stopped by and commented. Come back anytime. Again thank you.

Gabrielle Stahlie 25 Nov 2007

Joe," know thyself" is most important. We need a lifetime to learn to know ourselves even that is too short to fully comprehend what is moving us and why do we do what we do.. To be honest to ourself is also important. And at last... to forgive ourself our dumb and foolish actions and have peace in our minds.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: What a great insight you have shared with me. thank you for you profound remarks. They are greatly appreciated.

Nilantha Lokunarangode 23 Nov 2007

wow thats Great Work!!!

Artist Reply: Nilantha: Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my artwork. i do so appreciate you doing so. stop back anytime

John Fish 23 Nov 2007

Beautifully painted. This captures the mystery of the universe and the sense of a solitary quest of a human to communicate and understand nature, life and the spirit and simultaneously being surrounded by those very things. The simple act of looking up at the stars reveals all the answers, yet creates all the questions.

Artist Reply: John: Your insightful comment is greatly admired and appreciated by me. thanks for sharing your profound insights with me. I do value your opinions and your art.