• jerry carlin
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  • Image 233 of 919
  • Added 23 Mar 2010
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This was a nice job!

5 of 9 Comments Show All 9 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 21 Nov 2015

By April 26, 2007 - 12:29 pmBoy, opening up the alter phoots can of worms is a big one. Perhaps: Don't alter the integrity of the image. I'm sure NPPA probably has books worth of discussion on this issue in their listserv archives. Adjusting contrast, slight dodging and burning, cropping, etc. are all considered acceptable by most, but removing real things are considered not so at least IMHO.The O.J. photo is another matter, as well: when does a tweaked photo become a photo illustration or a graphic? That's trickier. Maybe we could get NPPA to work with Adobe Photoshop to put little ethical points on all the filters and adjustments, so we'd all know when we were approaching the danger zone.

Mary Janosik 24 Mar 2010

Your imagination is boundless, Jerry!!!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 24 Mar 2010

Yes, indeed! Splendid, Jerry!

Anonymous Guest 23 Mar 2010

very nice.

Claude Racine 23 Mar 2010

It's really a great work you have done, Jerry. What puts a lot of spice in your beautiful composition, is the "art" beyond the "building codes", which is similar and consistent with the landscape dramatically. When you mention to Sharon "I had a lot of artistic license!" I believe you.

Artist Reply: Thank you Claude! There are advantages in not being able to draw and not willing to work off blueprints. I draw a rough concept sketch and tell the customer it will be "like this" but not the same!