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31 July, 2023
  • Moses Ashola

Latest Comment...

Thanks so much for this encouraging opportunity. My question: I've just compiled an eBook titled: "20 HAND DRAWN WORD ART PATTERN THAT SELL LIKE HOT CAKE" Can I submit that for my first art book you're talking about? I have included the results of using some of those patterns in the eBook but not all.

02 May, 2023
  • Staff
  • 02 May 2023

Original Post: Full-Color Custom Art Books Now Available

Six weeks ago we launched our custom coloring book product for ArtWanted artists. We are excited to announce that we have added a new art book to the product lineup. All artists and photographers can now create and sell beautiful FULL-COLOR art books of their artwork or photography!

The new full-color art books are printed on a heavier 80# premium coated paper with your color artwork on both sides of the paper. The 8.5” x 11” books feature a beautiful glossy front and back cover and are perfect bound.

ArtWanted has created an easy-to-use system to create these art books. You simply upload your artwork and we take care of the technology, printing and shipping out to each buyer at no cost to you.

Traditionally you would have to pay to print hundreds or thousands of books in advance and hope that they sell, but not with ArtWanted. Each art book is printed-on-demand when it's ordered, so there is no up-front cost to print or store your art books.

Each art book you sell of your artwork will put money directly in your pocket. The suggested retail price of a 40-page full-color book is only $19.95 with you earning $6 per book. However, you can adjust the amount you want to charge and the profit you earn. For each sale you make, we will deduct our wholesale book cost (starting at $13.95) and you make any revenue above the wholesale book price. You can even buy your own books at a low wholesale price to give as gifts or resell at live events. The book price changes, depending on how many pages the book has, so visit the book details page for a full cost/profit breakdown.

This book system also allows you to create multiple books and digital ebooks. We offer worldwide shipping and printing in multiple countries for a very fast turnaround time and low shipping costs.

Every single artist on ArtWanted can now create and publish their own custom art or photography book without any cost and sell it online (or in person at live events). We invite you to click the link below to learn more and start creating your custom art/photo book today!

Custom Art Book Details