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01 September, 2003
  • Staff
  • 01 Sep 2003

Original Post: Tutorials and Tips Overview

This is a new section for our members to post tutorials and tips on how they create their artwork.

If you have ever been asked "how did you do that" or just wanted to share your talent & procedures, this is the place to do it. We invite our talented artists to share their secrets to help everyone improve their techniques.

By submitting your tutorials, you not only help us all get better, but you will receive additional exposure to your portfolio and your name.


  1. Start a new topic for each tutorial.
  2. The subject of your post should be specific to what you are demonstrating.
  3. Your first post should explain what you are about to cover, materials needed or software used, and an image of the final result.
  4. Each 'step' of the tutorial should be in a seperate posting (reply) so it's easier to read and follow.
  5. It's best to post a photo or screen shot of each step so that others can see the progression of the technique.
  6. Be sure and check your spelling of your postings.
  7. All tutorials will be read by our staff and the lame ones will be removed.