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14 October, 2022
  • Brian Wolfgang Becker

Latest Comment...

Hi Fred. I fully agree about humans being patented or programmed to breathe but it's how we breathe that determines much about one's quality of life. Unfortunately Covid -19 was all about politics in the U.S.A. because the Republican Party made it so. Here in Canada it was largely about protecting our elderly, those with compromised health and largely our healthcare industry professionals and workers that were tasked with dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Without any medical industry intervention, COVID-19 might have knocked out 10% - 15 % of the world population and left many others with life long conditions based on having had COVID-19. I believe this based on the numbers of fatalities in Europe when it first broke out when there was no or little understanding of it from a medical point of view. Here all political parties were on board with protecting our population as best we could. Not for a moment do I fault our various levels of government for implementing what they felt was necessary based on science. Unfortunately the U.S.A. chose TRUMP as a President and for as long as he held any political power, the U.S.A. was in conflict with itself and far too many people died in the U.S.A. during the pandemic that may have survived otherwise.

21 February, 2021
  • Brian Wolfgang Becker
  • 21 Feb 2021

Original Post: The Art Work Created During COVID-19

I recently joined on here at and have seen some very talented artists and great art work here when exploring the site. I am curious as to how COVID-19 has influenced peoples creatively over the past year. Did you draw from this pandemic which has altered life across the world or did you escape it and throw yourself into subject matter well outside of it to deal with our new realities? Could we set up a new Category on ArtWanted called 2020? A year of Covid-19 and not a year of perfect vision!

Brian Wolfgang Becker - Feb 21, 2021