13 January, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

New Refine Search Option

We have added a new option to our 'search results' page that allows the art surfer to refine their search with a few clicks. You can now quickly select the gallery, subject & media to get to exactly the images you want to see. We got the concept from Ebay by looking at their search results page and we applied the same concept to ArtWanted.com

To see this new option in action, type any word in the search box at the top this page (or any page on our website). On the left column you will see how you can narrow your results to exactly what you want to see.

Now more than ever, it's important to make sure all of your images are categorized in the correct gallery, subject and media. Go to your MANAGE PORTFOLIO page to see how your images are categorized and make any changes that are needed by clicking on the EDIT button next to any image.

This upgrade is more for the general public, then for the artists on our site, but it should help all people that use ArtWanted.com to find exactly what they are looking for - faster. Enjoy.



ArtWanted.com Staff 13 Jan 2004

This is a bug in IE and doesn't have to do with the latest changes. Please read the following topic for an explanation of the reason it is happening.


ArtWanted.com Staff 15 Jan 2004

It only happens in about 1 out of every 1,000 images, but there is no way to 'detect' it, so it's hard to fix these 'problem images'.

Actually, they are usually not JPG images that cause the problems. They are usually PSP, EPS, TIF, BMP, CMYK, or TGA images that cause the problems. (One of the non-common formats that our thumbnail generator doesn't know what to do with. When it happens upon one of these images, it crashes and creates this mysterious format that causes problems all over.

We are looking into it still, but want to let everyone know why it's happening.
