16 November, 2003
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

New Artist Ratings Page

Ratings, ratings and more ratings. :-)

We have added a new button in your members control panel for ARTWORK RATINGS. This new page shows a breakdown and averages for all your artwork ratings on the website. We also display how you have rated other images on the site and give you some feedback on your voting patterns. Check it out, it's got some good statistics for you to view.

Thanks to everyone that is voting and posting comments on the artwork found on our site. We have received over 62,000 image votes in just over a month! Not only do these ratings add another level of interactivity to ArtWanted.com, but they help determine our upcoming featured artists. They also let our members see how they fair with the rest of the artists on our site and inspire everyone to improve.

We hope that you visit ArtWanted.com for your next party, date or anniversary and kill some time by rating the new images posted. Have fun!


1 Comment

ArtWanted.com Staff 17 Nov 2003

As of today, there are 4,731 artists on the site (those that have posted images) and 34,119 total images.

It's pretty safe to say that many of the images on our website will never get rated. We have been around for 4 years, and it would take a huge time commitment from many members to go back and rate 4 years worth of artwork. Charlene - you have voted for over 1,500 images so far, which is awesome! But just think how much time it would take to rate another 32,000 images.

Earworm is right that you have received more votes than most artists on the site.

If you are seeing the same images come up in the random selection, please let us know some examples. The site is programmed not to do this and we believe that it is working properly. You will know that it's a duplicate image when you view your VOTING RESULTS after you vote. It will say "vote updated" instead of "vote recorded". Some artists upload the same image twice, so it's actually a 'unique' image to our database and you will be asked to vote for both images. In this scenario, it looks like a duplicate image, but it is not. Also, many people confuse images that they have looked at before, with images they have VOTED for previously.

Because there are so many images on our site, our random selection does select images for 'active artists' first. Meaning, those that have logged in and posted images in the last three months. We feel that there is no point to rate artists, that don't visit the website. However, the more images you vote for, the later in time the images are for. Meaning that if you haven't been to the website much, then your images are less likely to get voted on. Likewise...the more you visit the website and upload pictures, the more votes you will receive.

Hopefully this explains how the system works, but feel free to continue asking any questions you may have.
