Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: John Willis,MLW Illustration,Sigridur Bachmann

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
08 March, 2018
  • Staff

THEME: Underwater Art

DESCRIPTION: The topic for this contest is UNDERWATER ART. We want you to submit any artwork that features life under the sea. We are talking about fish, sharks, coral and any other type of life you find underwater. All art mediums are accepted (just not photography) Let's see what you have!

VOTING STARTS: 26-Mar-2018

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only artwork can be submitted for this contest, no photographs please.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


61 Contest Entries

John Willis 08 Mar 2018

Dolphins are Kings. Angel Fish are Queens. Clownfish are, of course, the Jesters. Acrylic on Cloth approx 25x20.

MLW Illustration 08 Mar 2018

This is my entry for the under water competition. I have designed this and illustrated in ball point pen. Being drawn on A3 you can imagine how long it took. Anyway, this is the first time I have entered one of your competitions. Thanks, Martin

Sigridur Bachmann 14 Mar 2018

Here comes my photo for the theme of underwater ...

Brian Smith 08 Mar 2018

I'd like to submit the attached file for the contest. Software used: Bryce 7 Pro and Poser

Joseph McKee 08 Mar 2018

Whale Shark!

Ron Ross Cohen 09 Mar 2018

Aquatic Ambassador speaks to us about our need to protect our oceans against man's pollution as we depend on each other for a sustainable future.

Sue Johnson 08 Mar 2018

Harmony of the Sea done in acrylic.

Kelly Six 09 Mar 2018

The picture i am entering was a picture I drew to help raise money to help save the Lagger head sea .turtle

Rex Woodmore 08 Mar 2018

Solitary Shark. A solitary White tipped shark, seen while diving on a coral reef Ningaloo, Western Australia. Acrylic on canvas 30x42cm.

Anneke Hut 08 Mar 2018


Tiffany Pacileo 09 Mar 2018

Underwater Art Entry: Watercolor Tiffany Pacileo

Martin Aveling 25 Mar 2018

The broadclub cuttlefish has hypnotic talents. It changes its colour and pattern with great speed to put its prey in a trance, thus making it easier to catch.

Pastel Pencils (30 x 30 cm)

connie van winssen 08 Mar 2018

Acrylics on canvas, 8x8

mandy thomas 19 Mar 2018

After spending 10 days in the Maldives underwater with some amazing sealife I decided to paint some of my captures on camera.

Here is the local turtle Hope you like it

Maria Kjaergaard Lemming 25 Mar 2018

'Chick Fish' (Fractal and Photoshop)

Kent Curole 19 Mar 2018

Jellyfish 24x30 Oil on Canvas

Deanna Davoli 21 Mar 2018

I painted the Ace of Cups card for the 78 Tarot Nautical Deck. This amazing tarot deck includes 1 piece of artwork from 78 different global artists. The nautical theme was chosen by the backers of the 1st 78 Tarot deck. The Ace of Cups represents the beginning of love, happiness and compassion. In the Ace of Cups, a huge cup is being offered to you and you are being invited to reach out and drink from it. This is a symbol of fulfilment, not just emotionally but also spiritually. It is also about creative expression, particularly where there is an opportunity to allow your emotions to shine through. The cup in my painting is represented by the nautilus shell. A lovely, exotic mermaid offers you the magic from the cup which overflows with an abundance of light, love and treasures. Mermaids and fish swim by in the distant background.

Carrie Hawks 22 Mar 2018

Musical Mercat - Original Painting - Size; 11" x 14" Medium; Acrylic on Canvas Sheet. - A pretty purple Mermaid Cat swimming with a conch shell playing a rainbow of beautiful music.

Aqua1955 18 Mar 2018

This is about two sisters who always played bal. One of these sisters liked to tell fairy tales about mermaids and died after she got cancer. I was asked designing many mermaids why they always look dreamlike and smiled. She wanted to find a sad mermaid as remembrance to her sister. This is my entrance for her and that her sweet little sister will never been forgotten although she had seen her future in that crystal ball. Please no price if I should win, but donate it to the cancer funds

don quackenbush 08 Mar 2018

ORCA's is an abstract stained glass panel depicting a pair of orcas in a sea of green

More contest entries on the next page...