13 January, 2017
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Introducing The ArtWanted Idea Board

We are excited to announce a new way for our members to suggest changes and new features to the ArtWanted.com website - we are calling it the Idea Board.

The Community Idea Board allows our members to post any idea they would like to see added or changed with ArtWanted.com. Members vote and comment on the ideas they like and support. Ideas with higher point values will get more attention from the ArtWanted staff and have a higher chance of being built into the website. This is a great way to see exactly what our members want from this art community.

How the Idea Board Works

    1) Visit the COMMUNITY section of our website and click on the IDEA BOARD area.
    2) Any member can post a new idea on something they would like added or changed about the ArtWanted.com website.
    3) Members review the ideas and vote on their favorites with a simple one-click “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” button.
    4) Each vote adds or subtracts points to the idea. The higher the votes, the more attention it will get from the ArtWanted staff.
    5) Additional comments can be posted to any idea to show support or examples of how the idea might be implemented.

Point Value System

  • A THUMBS UP vote adds 10 points to the idea.
  • A THUMBS DOWN vote subtracts 5 points from the idea.
  • All ideas with at least 100 points will get a response from the ArtWanted staff about the idea.
  • Ideas earning 500 points or more will get a detailed response from the ArtWanted staff. This response may include additional comments about the idea, level of effort, likelihood of being built and possible timeframes to implement the change.
  • These point values may be adjusted over time, depending on how the Idea Board is used.

You Have a Voice

The main goal behind the new Idea Board is to allow our members to shape the future of ArtWanted.com. This is your art community and we want to make sure we are working on features and changes that our members want to see. While we can’t promise that every idea will be built, we can say that we will be watching the Idea Board very closely and we know that many of your ideas will turn into reality.

So there you go. If you have ever had an idea, suggestion, feature request, new product idea, website change, or annoying issue you want to change… now is the time to share your thoughts and vote for ideas others have. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

We invite you to think of one thing you would like to see on ArtWanted and post it on the new Idea Board today.

2017 is going to be a great year, especially thanks to your ideas!

View Idea Board Now



Jenn Schweitzer 23 Jan 2017

I love this site and I appreciate the easy to manage members area. If anything had to be improved, I would say the editing tool.... but not necessary...well yeah it could use some help...

ArtWanted.com Staff 24 Jan 2017

Thanks for the feedback Jenn. We encourage you and anyone else to jump on the Idea Boards and post any suggestion you have to improve the site, thanks.

Yury Yanin 01 Feb 2017

Idea board is an excellent idea, but it is too fresh by now and there can be some bugs yet. Dear staff, please,inspect blue bars under each idea and their operation. In some of the bars is written "view idea" and they operate properly, showing all replyes for that idea. In other blue bars it is written "view contest" and when you click on them, they show the initial post only. Sonetimes those signs change. I think it is some minor bug and hope it can be fixed.

Yury Yanin 02 Feb 2017

Today signs in blue bars have changed to "view idea", but they still fail to operate properly - to show all the replyes. Or may be it is the main idea of the staff - to show the initial post and not to show all other feedback, leaving it for themselves. only, isn't it?

ArtWanted.com Staff 02 Feb 2017

Yury - Yes, we made a few minor changes to the Idea Board yesterday. Here are the changes:

  • On the main Idea Board, all of the buttons now read "View Idea", which was not always the case before.
  • When viewing an idea, the button in the right column now reads "Back to Ideas", instead of "Back to Category"
  • We now show how many votes up (and down if any) for each idea that have been recorded. This is found in the left column next to the original posted idea.
  • When voting on any idea, that idea will be bumped up to the top of the Idea Board, giving it more attention. More popular ideas will be pushed to the top of the page more frequently.

    We hope these ideas help improve the Idea Board for our members.

    If you see an idea without any comments, it's because no comments have been posted to that idea yet. Any comment/reply to an idea will be posted under the original idea, none are hidden. Our staff will reply to an idea after it has reached at least 100 points to share our thoughts on the idea.

  • Yury Yanin 06 Feb 2017

    Dear staff, I should express my support and gratitude for your work again. And thank you for your prompt reply and clear explanations. However, after clicking on the blue bar with the sign "view idea" under the idea about rotating images in one's portfolio, I still see the initial post only. 15 replyes are listed there and I wrote a couple of them, I do not see any. May be ii is a problem with my computer or some of my many mistakes, but may be it is one more bug, which is usual in a new software....

    ArtWanted.com Staff 06 Feb 2017

    Yury - Check it out now and see if you see the idea replies.

    Yury Yanin 06 Feb 2017

    Now it operates properly. Congrats and thanks!!!

    Brenda Cumming 09 Feb 2017

    I haven't posted on my portfolio for a long time because it has all changed and it took me ages to find out how to download new artwork. I also miss being able to send greetings with my artwork to friends. I find the whole new layout extremely confusing and even now that I have downloaded a new painting, it took me ages to do it as I couldn't find HOW.........such a shame because I really loved ArtWanted and I know other artist friends who have not been on here for the same reason.......help.....

    ArtWanted.com Staff 09 Feb 2017

    Brenda - Thanks for your honest feedback and welcome back to ArtWanted. We are sorry that you had some challenges finding how to upload new artwork.

    The website is in a transition period right now where we redesigned the PUBLIC website last summer, but the MEMBERS AREA where you upload and manage your portfolio is still in our old format/layout. Having two different designs for the public/private website (plus having older pages and technology) can cause some confusion, we hear you.

    THE GOOD NEWS is that we are in the middle of large redesign project for the members area control panel right now. The new members area will be much easier to use and navigate than our current method that you got frustrated with. Everything will look the same and work great together, plus many upgrades. Due to the amount of work involved in the re-design, we are still several months from completion, but it is coming soon. We ask that you bear with us a little longer and we promise it will be worth it.

    As for the SENDING GREETING card, you are right, this feature was removed, but we have been considering bringing it back. You can still e-mail people a link to your artwork from any image in your portfolio by clicking the E-MAIL ICON in the SHARE section next to your artwork. However, we encourage you to use our new Idea Board and post your desire to bring back the e-mail greeting card, so our members can vote on it and we can see how wanted that feature is.

    Again, thanks for sharing your comments. The IDEA BOARD was created for members just like you that want to see an old feature come back, or want a new feature. Post any idea you have to improve the site, so we can get others viewing your ideas and voting on them. Thanks!

    Patricia Ogundero 11 Feb 2017

    I think its a good idea, to have a think tank?

    ArtWanted.com Staff 11 Feb 2017

    Patricia - Thanks for the idea. We suggest you elaborate on this concept and officially post it on our IDEA BOARD, so members can vote on the idea to turn it into reality. Here is the link to post it to the idea board:


    Wendy Allen 16 Feb 2017

    I would suggest a featured gift item to purchase on the front page like coffee mugs or desk pictures etc.

    B a r b a r a Schneider 23 Feb 2017

    technical problems.. could not upload an idea for discussion .....

    for art lovers: opportunity to create a postcard online and .................

    Post card "problems"/ ideas:

    Opportunity to create a postcard online and opportunity to send it online ! Opportunity to create a postcard / folded card online and t0 print it at home?! and / or

    ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Feb 2017

    Barbara, it looks like your idea posted just fine. In fact, it posted 4 times, so we deleted the three duplicates. Here is your idea posting:


    Quintavious Davis 26 Mar 2017

    I feel this website is the best art website I came upon thanks for giving me a chance to show you guys my art

    Clive Elias Suffield-Thompson 31 Aug 2017

    Hi Guys. I am going to be away for a fortnight or so on holiday. Would it be a good idea to be able to post a comment to say "Away for awhile" so that if there is no activity on a members page it might not mean that that member has lost interest etc, but is away for personal reasons. I was a member here back in 2005 and have had a break owing to work commitments for a number of years and am glad to be back here. But it would be useful to have the facility to say "Away for awhile, back soon" on a notice board. I love some of the work here but would be disappointed in commenting on someones work if they are no longer active and me awaiting a response etc. Anyway love to you all. Clive Elias.

    Paul Weiner 28 Dec 2017

    Yep, I like the idea board.

    Ginger Olansen 07 Jan 2018

    My idea is to be able to sort my portfolio and sub categories. As photos accumulate and get older, some of my best paintings I would like to move to the top or just drop in another spot. Its a lot of work to program, but that would help me because people today do Not have time to go to a 2nd page to see the others. But it is very helpful that you grab different photos on the main portfolio, I love that. I also like the way you diplay pictures just above the portfolio and sub categories that catches people eye! If that dropping can be done you would not have to do as much sorting on other places.

    Thanks again Artwanted great work!

    ArtWanted.com Staff 07 Mar 2019

    A handful of new updates to the Idea Board have been released. Check out this blog post for all the details...


    This discussion continues on the next page...