01 August, 2023
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Vote Now For Your Favorite Book Artists

We want to thank everyone that submitted artwork/photos for consideration in the upcoming ArtWanted Creative Minds book! The submission deadline has now ended, so it’s now time to vote on the artists you think should be included in the final book.

We had over 400 artists and photographers request to be included in the upcoming book! It was awesome to see the level of interest and participation for this project. Unfortunately, we are not able to include every artist in the final book, so we have created a voting system for our members to determine who will be included in the final printed book.

The new voting page will show up to 3 images from the artist/photographer. You simply vote YES or NO if you think the artist should be included in the final art book. The artists with the highest percent of “Yes” votes will be invited to submit one high-res image into the final book. We invite all members of ArtWanted to review the images and cast your vote. The voting phase of this project will end on August 31st, 2023.

NOTE: We are monitoring the votes and will throw out any votes where there is a high percent of "no" votes for the other artists. Please be fair and honestly vote for the artists you think should make it in the book.

We will be selecting 150-250 artists for the final book publication. All artists that submitted art for consideration will be notified by mid-September if they are a finalist for the book. Good luck to everyone, now get out there and VOTE!

