My Honest Honeygain Review – Do Not Waste Your Time Or Money

About three months ago, I fell for someone’s advertising link and found Honegain. It promises passive income for using a small portion of your internet connection. It is rather vague and the company is located in Venezuela. I was rather careful on which devices I installed their apps (laptop and tablet) and tried it out. They promise an average amount of $10 per month with up to $10 daily “easily” possible. How much did I earn in three months? Three dollars… $3… with $2 being a sign up bonus!

I had two devices (laptop and tablet), used it almost daily, did win their lottery bucket 5 to 6 times per day and all this for THREE DOLLARS.

Uhm, no thanks… I did remove their software from my devices yesterday. Sounds too much like an MLM, they are very, very pushy towards referring your “friends” to earn more. At this moment in time, I definitely cannot recommend them and I do not even link to them. Google them, finding Honeygain is not hard. But I do NOT recomment to sign up.

Artsy Snippets Youtube Channel by Christine aka stine1 #youtubechannel #followme

Youtube and me – this is not an easy relationship. But I have given it another try and you can now find my channel Artsy Snippets by Christine aka stine1 here:


I would love to get a few followers and find some of your amazing videos!

Is a Scam?

Arrgh, as if I didn’t already have enough on my plate. I recently found out that the website for is not online anymore and it seems to have been offline for weeks or even months!

Last year, they had me pay €79 for adding three of my AI Art pieces exclusively to their shop. They would only sell it once, so it was a unique thing – not like the usual mass printing on demand services.

My one specific contact person from the transaction does not answer my messages anymore. Their physical shop in Germany seems to be still open. I have yet to contact them asking what is happening.

Opening a case on Paypal is probably a lost cause, but I will try it anyway.


Do you have any good news to lift my mood?

Facebook Account Update

I would have never thought that something like this would be possible…. Facebook had blocked and disabled my Facebook account in February without any warning and without hearing me out first. It all happened because a hacker with an Italian IP address got into my account and linked an Instagram account (not mine!) that was banned due to breaking their rules. European law states that they would need to hear me out first before disabling my account and Facebook just laughed into my face.

They ignored my support tickets.

They ignored my emails.

They ignored my state ID uploaded.

I contacted a lawyer and he said that Facebook is clearly not acting according to the current laws and they HAVE to give my account back. But the lawyer would cost me several hundred Euros and I would need to go to court. Bah…. nah!

What bugs me the most is that I had invested 2 years and a few dollars into a mobile game that I had linked to my old Facebook account. And this specific game had no other connection method than Facebook or Apple ID (which I do not have). BAM, all gone.

My specific FB pages are also gone. I am not sure I will open some up again or just use my new profile for everything.

Anyway, I would love to connect on Facebook: