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Latest Image: In aut no. 5

In aut no. 5

Autsider Art Dr Woordelaas

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Autsider Art from Amsterdam presents:


Unimportant, useless but candid producer of independent paintings and poems, so called Autsider Art. From a town called Amsterdam .

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Recent Feedback

21 Jan 2024
I'll bet he has superior night-vision too, Erik. Nice ironic take on the current state of things gender-related. Hope all is pleasant for you today. :) - Charles
02 Dec 2023
I apologize, Erik. I'm only now feeling some of my old vim and vigor. As such, I've been somewhat negligent in my daily perusal of AW uploads and so have missed a couple or more. This is certainly several steps away from your usual figurative work but I can appreciate all the color and movement, nonetheless. Hope all is well with you. :) - Charles
02 Dec 2023
I'm getting a slight twinge of deja vu, Erik. Still like it though. Hope you are doing well in your relatively new surroundings. Though I'll be the first to admit, new ain't what it used to be. :) - Charles

Artist Groups (4)

Autsider Art is a member of the following groups:

Winter Walk Through the Forest Winter landscapes
Trump: We should ban all the fake portraits of dr. Woordelaas Illustre Dutch illustratives
9 Lives Comic Art
Daily C. art comic