Diana is a full time artist living and creating in beautiful rural Creelman, Saskatchewan, Canada; pop. 85. She lives with husband, Pat, the love of her life; and Bruce, the dog.
Besides Pat, Diana loves mythology, fantasy and humour. Sometimes all at the same time. Most of her work is seriously whimsical or perhaps it is whimsically serious play. Most often it is pastel or acrylic paintings or paper works pulled from copper plate etchings. She is currently starting work on modular 3-Dimensional paper works. Watch for it.
Diana raised and was raised by 3 wonderfully supportive children. Additionally, she has 2 wonderful step-sons, and, count them, ten grandchildren. I know. I know. She is far too young for all that!
You shouldn't be here reading about her, you should be looking at her art...just saying.
Artist Highlights
Lives In: Canada
ArtWanted.com Gallery: Fine Art
Proficient Software: Adobe Photoshop, GIMP