





Artist Bio

Through flora, Mother Nature offers perfect symmetry, unique patterns, a wide array of organic shapes, complete abstraction and an amazingly brilliant color palette. Her work is a constant source of inspiration for Schuyler, as are painters Georgia O'Keefe and Paul Gauguin, fashion illustrator David Downton and in particular, textile/fashion designers Pucci and Lilly Pulitzer.

After studying illustration at The Fashion Institute of Technology 2010 - 2011, Schuyler is exploring her flower portrait series, a former body of work, with renewed passion. F.I.T. provided a concentrated course of study with a focus on composition, perspective and color theory, along with hundreds of hours of drawing from the live model.

Schuyler regularly visits Atlanta Botanical Gardens and is amazed by the personality reflected in each flower and plant. During the painting process, characteristics develop and an appropriate name is given to each flower 'portrait' upon completion. And, thanks to F.I.T., Schuyler now sees extraordinary connections between the human figure and structure of botanicals. Fashion and flowers have been celebrated artistically for centuries and her goal is to bring a contemporary vision to this perfect harmony through Fashion + Flower Art.

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