• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 07 Oct 2012
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Ship Of Death - Pirates Majesty Revenge

Ship Of Death - Pirates Majesty Revenge She hunts down and finally comes face to face with the last of the family of pirates who had ended her physical life...there are three brothers who are direct descendants of the barbaric cutthroats that led a life of evil...the three men just happen to be lounging on the upper part of the castle when they see the glowing ship...their hair turns white, they panic and start trying to escape the castle...there is all of a sudden a thunderous explosion and the castle is instantly consumed in flames...the Ship Of Death has her final vengeance as she quietly sails away, still brightly glowing with a satisfaction that what she became so long ago has finally been achieved and her vengeance is complete! ...to be continued... By John Michael Piper *GO-SEE-HEAR-AND- EXPERIENCE THIS WEBSITE AND GET YOUR FREE DESKTOP IMAGE DESIGNS, SCREEN SAVERS, THEMES AND MY NEWEST PAGE - CUSTOM T- SHIRT DESIGNS! IT'S ALL AT ARTIMATIONSDESIGNCOMP.CO M* ( http://www.artimationsdesignc omp.com/ ) *If You Missed It~See It On My Website!* J. Michael PiperĀ©2012 All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 11 Oct 2012

Spectacular Heart-pounding beauty!

Artist Reply: *Hi John! Yeah this one is quite a powerful scene and this is also the turning point for the young girl who's death caused her to come back as this beautiful ship to put curses on bad people and who's main mission is to completely obliterate those who were responsible for her death. Thanks for your wonderful comment and for your taking the time to write something you get a feeling from John...as always, it is truly appreciated!

Karen Helsing 10 Oct 2012

I'm staying tuned for the next episode!

Artist Reply: Thanks Karen! Just having one believer in how young my project is, just lets me know that when the movie is coming to theaters, and an advertised t.v. commercial is running to the masses, I think this could be a box office smash...what do you think?

Brenda Loveless 08 Oct 2012

super work!

Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! Thanks once again! And the story continues... :-)

ruth sears 08 Oct 2012

awesome job on this Johnny!

Artist Reply: *Hi Ruth! Thanks! Yes this work took longer than all the rest in this series...a 26 hour render! This is the work that held up continuing the final chapter...but the entire story is done and I'm ready to either have the book done or the movie...I'd prefer to have the movie go into production first, that would help complete all the detailed parts of the book, but none of is easy, that's for sure! Thank you again!