• Janette Ihnatova-Dengo
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  • Added 01 Aug 2007
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Baby Doll



Anonymous Guest

Sherrie Kostura 10 Oct 2008

This is priceless. Your daughter will treasure it one of these days when she is grown. You have an outstanding talent, Janette!

Julie Deans 01 Jul 2008

Beautiful work!!

Anonymous Guest 12 Oct 2007

actually the drawing looks most natural. Especially the work on the hair...i suspect the pillow the baby is leaning on was not seen by the anonymous guest. But the comments are rude and you need to block that unwanted guest! Keep drawing and posting. Your talent is evident!

David Holcombe 04 Oct 2007

This is a very intimate portrait. It has an unusual angle, which adds to the visual interest. Criticism seems inappropriate. I think there is a way to block unwanted critics. Inquire with AW.

Eddy collins 03 Oct 2007

very nice

annette steens 01 Oct 2007

Janet you are the only one to accept your wonderful self! Forget and delete those negative information! I like this baby much!

Paul Traudt 01 Oct 2007

i wouldn't even spend two seconds on people like that. That is exactly what they want to start trouble and get you upset however you have NOTHING to worry about your talent is more than obvious I love your work

joe valcourt 01 Oct 2007

fine vision--ignore the ignorant

Alberto D'Assumpcao 01 Oct 2007

Spectacular pencil, Janette!!! It's just perfect, my dear friend!

Nikolay Semyonov 01 Oct 2007

Janette, you ARE the jury of whatever you do. I may be another moron, but I enjoy your art. regarding this portrait, the thing that supports the baby's head does not look convincing to me.

Artist Reply: Thank you for our comment Nikolay, the "thing" that is supporting my 4 day od daughter's head is my arm across the front of her while I bathed her...it was her first bath home...thank you for stopping by. :)

Melanie Lamprill 30 Sep 2007

this is an excellent drawing and pose. It sounds to me from the negatiive comment below-someone is very jealous of your skill, ha ha let them wallow in their own self pity, and by the way I thought you handled it very well.

Anonymous Guest 30 Sep 2007

Dear Janette, I like it. I don't fel that there is anything wrong with your drawing. If some one is leaving you bad comments just smile and move on, I haven't had any yet but for sure have gotten some low ratings on things. I still choose to leave it on the aw site. I can tell ya one thing I have learned in all my years as an artist is that evry one likes and dislikes the opposite things, and just what you think wont sell - well it sells! Any way I am sure that you know that allready however please don't take your drawing off the aw site because of someone elses poor judgement you are depriving the rest of us from enjoying your wonderful artwork. I absolutely love how fat that baby is, and I really lover the perspective that you drew him/her from. Michael.

sheila stanley-powell 30 Sep 2007

hi again janette,i "up-graded" my computer with a new security system and forgot that i have to log in EVERY time now and didn't realize i hadn't until after i down-loaded my message.kind of ironic that i'd be commenting about anonymous guests and turn into 1 myself.lol.

Anonymous Guest 30 Sep 2007

hi janette. you know you HAVE to ignore idiots don't you?! consider the source and realize that as hurtful as the comments were this was NOT a critique but a nasty dig from a coward. their opinion is not worth the time of day (or nano second for that matter)and like mark said there are people out there who don't consider my stuff "real"art either but their opinion -as much as they have a right to it- is not my concern as it serves no purpose but to bring me/you/us down and heck, i do THAT all on my own(being my own worst critic) without any help from boars.it doesn't matter which site your work is on, there will always be morons(i was going to say people but somehow it just doesn't fit) who THINK they're being oh-so high and mighty slinging out low grade comments instead of constructive critiquing. their problem: not yours. stay the course and keep doing what you're doing (very well i might add). your work would be missed. take care, sheila.

Mark Peterson 29 Sep 2007

I see no reason for the anonymous comment other than someone deliberately out to be malicious. I've been hit before too Janette, just not long ago in fact. Let it go and enjoy your passion :) the work you do is the only thing that matters, not what someone says. Heck...to some my work isn't even real art. Go figure :)

Anonymous Guest 29 Sep 2007

This is wonderful work here, love it, its great, don't listen to any one who is rude....Debbie Battrick

Laurie Rawdon 29 Sep 2007

Your work is beautiful janette...this especially shows your talent, the details are wonderful. Most important what I get from your work is that , and I can only hope mine does, is that it comes right from your heart and to be able to show that in your work is a talent in itself.

Andrew Hunter 29 Sep 2007

this is stunning Janette ( you will go far so remain strong)

Izabella Pavlushko 29 Sep 2007

As for me I love your drawing !

John Swift 29 Sep 2007

Janette, I find your baby drawing extremely realistic. Not all babies look like the Gerber Baby but all babies are beautiful.

Anonymous Guest 29 Sep 2007

Janette, Dear, with all these wonderful and supportive friends, that ignorant gnat should not even be worth a second thought. Laugh he/she/it off for the buffoon that he/she/it is. This is one of your best works, as a labor of love usually is. Your artsy fartsy W.W. fan.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 29 Sep 2007

touching and beautiful work!!

Joyce Hutchinson 29 Sep 2007

I applaud your work for showing this baby as is... I had three children and you know?? when they are born and all wrinklely... before they get all smoothed out and prettied up... they are just like you portraited the baby here! Doesn't mean it's any uglier but just as beautiful! You did a fantastic job at showing this baby as is. I think it's more of a challenge to portrait this way rather than the cutesy babies often portraited! Comments like the one below just shows it should be ignored. It's only ONE comment like this but I realize just enough to shake things up... pity that person.

Alexandra Dvinitninova 29 Sep 2007

This way it is more interesting, Do not take any notice, of those silly comments, just delete it.

jamie winter 29 Sep 2007

this is a wonderful piece of art. I would take off the nasty comment as the person is just making trouble and it is a shame. your work rocks~!!

bianca 29 Sep 2007

Janette dont pay any attention to that......these kind a people are same people who insult people in forums and attack and lash...they have no back bone to stand under real name and say what they have to say against your work....consider the source...YOUR WORK IS awsome..u did fabulous job...i am not telling u this to make u feel good.i am telling u because it is...lots of bulies here who try to cause trouble ...turn around and call others bulies....Take it lightly (i know how u feel)and keep up great work......There always will be those who dont like you....You cant please everyoe ad you cant fight the world....i realize this myself...dont listen to negativity and negative emails...try to position yourself into positive energy...your work speaks for yourslef....

Anonymous Guest 28 Sep 2007

i think that you made a poor choice on the pose for the child. he/she looks like a blob of meat instead of a cute baby. It looks like an old midget man. Pick a better pose next time.

Artist Reply: Dear AW anonymous guest... I appreciate your feedback. Should you not enjoy my gallery and it's obvious you didn't please do not return... You are however welcome to come back should you have some balls and leave your contact name and not hide like a chicken "shit" so I can properly reply directly to you. Thank you...to the rest of my AW friends thank you for you kind and respectful comments!!

indarto budi 26 Sep 2007

looks so cute! well done!

Debbie Battrick 08 Sep 2007

Very cute, very good work

Kathryn Lewis 07 Sep 2007

The folds of skin, the chubby cheeks, the drop of dribble! OOhh it takes me back.....wonderful picture!

Daryl Budd 04 Sep 2007

Cute baby, very well done Janette!!

Jeanie Chadwick 04 Sep 2007

excellent pencil work here Janette, which has been executed so masterfully to bring out those wonderful chipmunk cheeks!

Renee Weekley 18 Aug 2007

Awww I know visceral I think babies are hard to draw and this one is beautiful, delicate like a baby is and you captured the inquisitive nature in the eyes..

helen tyralik 11 Aug 2007

good detail in this work

Chas Sinklier 07 Aug 2007

Yeah J - nice one - babies - gotta love 'em... :0)

Seth Weaver 06 Aug 2007

Precious work!

Doris B. Lambling 06 Aug 2007

truely a masterpiece - it looks so lively - brilliant!!!!

Jerry 02 Aug 2007

Fantastic line work, style and lighting!

Janice Blocker 01 Aug 2007

Awe, so adorable, nice drawing

Penny Myers 01 Aug 2007

Babies are such fun to do. I love those chubby cheeks.

Joanna Jungjohann 01 Aug 2007

so pretty

Clare Rowley 01 Aug 2007

awe, nothing like a chubby baby.... great work~

Lior Goldenberg 01 Aug 2007

Lovely illustration and title!

Lucia Stewart 01 Aug 2007

adorable work