• Terry Harris
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  • Added 23 Jun 2009
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Denton Grandchildren

This is a pair of beautiful siblings I was lucky to be commissioned to do. What a joy to have worked on this painting of a moment of love between the two cuties. I digitally painted them using an electronic drawing tablet & wireless pen, a Wacom tablet. It hooks up to my computer and I use it instead of keyboard and mouse. I used Painter X software which is an amazing product from Corel. It allows me to chose the art medium, brush & size of it, the texture, the colors, the flow, spread, blending, mixing of colors & mediums in a realistic manner that I can create these works. This one took me many hours to work on the fine details to get the realistic results I have and to get the rich layer of colors blended in to add to the overall color of the work. I hope you all like this one as much as I do!

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 09 Mar 2012

Hello Everyone, I also agree that all art is creative and pitliocal like in fact all actions in life are. I agree to a point with Vivienne that skill is important and leads to great discovery and in some case a form of wisdom through discipline the way the Chinese and Japanese seem to achieve it . On the other hand I also agree with Thomas that all artists are creative and express pitliocal and philosophical standpoints. The content is eventually as important as the style or skill with which it is expressed. I love drawing portraits which are a little like large very colourful passport photographs because I cannot draw fast and so they acquire a formal intense quality , but I also learnt to use my own limitations in skills to my advantage and create a vision that is particualr to me. On the other hand I also love to make installations using found material or fabrics that I skillfully dye, paint and embroid.I do not see any contradiction nor do I have a preference or hierarchy for either of the media used, they just present themselves at different times and through different opportunities. I belive though that the true function of the artist is to be subversive to the establishment and the forces that try to control and oppress the human spirit.In this way Vivienne Westwood is a true artist for me. That element of subversiveness is essential but the establishment love to celebrate it so that it renders it harmless. That is a great danger and one the pitfall for the ambitious, vain,unscrupulous or greedy artist, no matter what fabulous skills he may possess. The great skill of the artist there is to avoid all the pitfalls of the ego and of fame and to stay true, subversive and a free spirit, not the caricature of a free spirit, which is the image that has been sold to us, the artist as brat and wild child, who cares, really enough spoilt childre in the world. But the artist as embodiment of free and creative spirit, with love, compassion as much as passion and responsibility to the world he lives in. I believe Vivienne Westwood embodies all these qualities. All the best to you Thomas and Adam.Thank you.

Olga van Dijk 13 Jun 2011

awesome!! What a lovely piece of art this is Ter! ~Love & Light, OLGA

Fátima Stamato 16 Feb 2010

I loved it! Congratulations, your portofolio is really beautiful.

debbie collier 26 Jun 2009

Beautifully done!!!!

Anonymous Guest 25 Jun 2009

Beautiful :)

Artist Reply: Thank you! Chilsren are all such beauties to me.