• Kate Malcolm
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  • Added 24 May 2004
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Dragon in Flight

Wow, its been a long time since I uploaded something, eh? I've been realy busy with school, work, future plans, and getting ready for PROM. Oh yeah. I graduate this year. ^-^ But anyway, its been really hectic. I should have some nice stuff for you guys soon though. I've got a couple things in the works, including a cd cover design for a local band! Wahoo! Thats pretty intense... if you discount the fact I'm doing it for free... heh heh. I am getting paid $50 per chair to paint on the back of some lawn chairs. Its not much, but its a start I suppose. Anyway, this guy was done for a friend of mine. There was going to be a little village and forest beneath him, but I got lazy (and couldn't figure out how to draw the view I wanted) so he, like so much of my work, is backgroundless. Aw well. One of these days I'll do a decent background... until then we'll have to stick with 'Forest Elf' and 'Dragon Hunter' (Which although old, is still one of my favorite pictures).

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sheila stanley-powell 26 Aug 2007

how did the lawn chair thing go and did you do the cd cover? have you thought of joining hamilton artists inc. to get your stuff out there? they were in jackson sq. untill recently but they've moved down on king east by victoria (i think). no background was needed for this pic by the way. it's great the way it is.

Artist Reply: Thank you for the incredibly lovely comments Sheila. They've really made me miss how integrated art was in my life. As for the CD cover and chairs. I did them all and I thought they went well. CD cover was never used as the band went nowhere. heh. And the Muskoka chairs are located at a cottage up north. The women I did them for was quite happy with the work (but like with all my pieces I was slightly disgruntled with them a week after finishing lol). She recently asked me to do another canvas painting for her but I have had to decline in part because of how short I am on time these days and in part because I am so rusty at drawing that anything I did would hardly be up to my high-school standards ^_^ Regardless, I have never actually even heard of Hamilton artists inc. If they are near King and Victoria, however, I now live right around the corner from them (more or less). I may have to look them up. It my inspire me to start drawing once more. Again, thank you for the comments. They have truly made my day. ^_^

john sayer 19 Jan 2005

I can't believe this got an 8 when I was practising to be a tattoo artist I drew a few dragons if people knew how hard thay are to draw there would be no 8's I will e-mail you one of my dragons if you like

AL 07 Oct 2004

nice work

Vicky Tico 27 May 2004

well done ^-^

chris green 26 May 2004

lovely scaley skin