• James Anderson
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  • Added 30 Dec 2015
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My only point is that it is not the act of saying a prayer or walking an aisle that saves you, but it is a sincere belief in who Jesus is and what He has done. If there is no evidence of change in your thoughts, words or actions after claiming Christ then you must exam yourself to see if you are in the faith. We are all fallen sinners and a person can lie to themselves about their salvation. It is especially easy to embrace this lie, if their Pastor is like the one portrayed here. Sinners always want a way to "eat their cake and have it too". They like the idea of Heaven and the pleasures of a sinful life too. However, "God will not be mocked".


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 03 Jun 2016

God's Word never returns empty, it always accomplishes what God's purpose is. Even the false teachers and wolves in sheep's clothing are serving God. Unknowingly, perhaps, but nevertheless, they are accomplishing exactly what God wants them to do. Perhaps separating the wheat from the chaff, but the true, Born Again Spirit Filled Believers will never be separated from the Love of God. And YES, Repentance IS Required to be genuinely a Doer and not just a hearer.....

Artist Reply: I agree with everything that you have said except, "they are accomplishing exactly what God wants them to do". God wants the pure full council of God preached to the people. If a Pastor is not doing this, then he is not doing the will of God. Yes, God will use some of what this kind of Pastor preaches to save some.

cindy kelly 30 Dec 2015

That is so true James. God will not be mocked.

Artist Reply: Thanks Cindy!