• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 25 Dec 2021
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Heals the world. A comprehensive peace that begins with respect for humanity on its various sides and the basis of respect for man, woman, and children in the privacy of their lives, for all that this implies.
Without discrimination of any kind.
Special thanks to those who do their part to preserve human rights primarily and in particular the right to privacy.
Plenty of greetings and options, to all of us. Reciprocity in all. Reliability, caring, and morality.
The understanding that the path to true total peace begins, when privacy is completely secure. In the same way, the path to good health begins with respect and commitment to safe privacy.
Love and peace = security of privacy, in a healthy light in life.
The hope for a healthy life and true peace begins with a completely safe privacy.
Then humanity will take a significant step, when we are all part of this progress .. In addition, all the other wishes for a healthy and happy life rich in healthy and abundant content will also be fulfilled.

Thank you for being honest & the support.
Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush.
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José Ramalhão Fortunato 28 Dec 2021

Happy New Year to you too, my dear friend

Artist Reply: Dear Jos'e.. Thank you very much.

Thom Roslan 27 Dec 2021

Happy Belted Hannukah and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family Niri.............May it bring Happiness & Blessings to ALL..............& Peace On Earth

Artist Reply: Thank you dear Thomi.. Happy holidays to you and yours.. Stay healthy and safe in privacy.. Love and peace.

Al Budarin 26 Dec 2021

Your words are so true,with so much sincere meaning ,the world leaders need to change for the sake of humanity,the world has been turned upside down,we all have to try to do some goodness for each other,,,,,we have so many social issues ,political issues,somehow we need to solve poverty in this world & moreover our world health issues,,,,be kind to one another,we need peace around the world,wishing for a better New Year for all those that are struggling & trying to survive ,hoping for better days for all those families,,,,We in Canada need to feel so fortunate to live in a Country as this,with all are freedoms,that so so many countries don't enjoy,,,Peace on Earth

Artist Reply: My dear friend. Al.. . Happy New Year. Stay healthy happy loved and safe. Shalom. Nira.

Anneke Hut 26 Dec 2021

Happy New Year to you and yours as well, dear Nira.

Artist Reply: My dear friend. ANNEKE... Happy New Year. Stay healthy happy loved and safe. Shalom. Nira.

Vernonette Gaddy 26 Dec 2021

Very important and meaningful posting. Wishing You Dear Nira and Your Loved Ones A Very Blessed, Healthy, Safe, And Significant New Year 2022. :)

Artist Reply: My dear friend. Vernonnete Happy New Year. Stay healthy happy loved and safe. Shalom. Nira.