• Kate Malcolm
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 39 of 68
  • Added 27 Jan 2005
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Unseen Watcher

Got me my new tablett... which obviously means I can now scan things!!! lmao How that managed to work out I dont know (that was sarcasim by the way). But seriously. I've had this done since mid December well.. as done as it is going to get. You can see the bottom corner is still unfinished... but I never got around to posting it. In anycase, I have no idea where this one came from. I believe I started it in a seminar one day and it just kind of grew from there. No subjects were used, so anatomy that is kind of "off" or poses that look fake, you'll have to excuse. As well, does anyone have any tips on putting motion in an image? Very VERY rarely do I manage to do it and it's beginning to bother me! Not to mention it will be a required skill for this new comic-project of mine. HA! We'll see how that works out.


Anonymous Guest

Kassandra 26 Mar 2005

oh my god i love it kate!

megan horachek 28 Jan 2005

I love the hair! I have so much trouble with hair, so I'm admiring yours. :) -Meg

geert-jan tielen 28 Jan 2005

good concept

Matthew Steffen 27 Jan 2005

Very nice good rage of tone