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  • Added 03 Apr 2005
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Attacking the Great Ship

Prior to the Syrani War, the flagship of the Dro'Xaren Ephex, the Kora'Chi, was dispatched to Khursinhi under the command of Dronex Reylan Khral, Ahreis Khral's only son and heir to the DXE throne. His orders were to quell the Dari uprising by any means necessary, for the glory of his father and nation. With information from a spy named Benai Cirisa, Reylan was able to send a brainwashed renjiri Seeker, Rieka Tashlion, to assassinate the Dari leader Nari Arian, and ambush the Dari during a secret meet thereafter. While Nari survived, he was forced into hiding, and at the ambush many Dari were killed, including their second in command, Dema Charafi. However, Reylan's plan had a tiny crack in it, one that Kathra Noor and Jere Gaz managed to exploit. The hidden Dari fleet attacked the Kora'Chi from above, forcing it down and destroying the ventral thrusters to crash the ship, while Kathra and her recently reunited foster mother Rieka stormed Syrani Palace to capture the Dronex. Kathra and Rieka reached Reylan, planning on using him as a hostage in bartering for Khursinhi's freedom, when events took a turn for the worse for all. Firstly, the mercenary Saal'Ku, chasing Kathra, followed into the Palace, killing Reylan before attacking Kathra. And secondly, the Kora'Chi, the five-mile long flagship of the Dro'Xaren Ephex, was damaged enough to force it to crash land, but not upon the sea or wilderness, but on the city of Syrani itself, and on its way down it crashed through the triple towers of the Palace, nearly killing Kathra and Saal'Ku both. The Syrani War was a drastic turn of events in the histories of both the renjiri and xaersi peoples, as well as a turning point in Kathra's life. The renjiri were robbed of their capitol city and many of their heroic Dari, the xaersi lost their Dronex and their flagship, and Kathra lost her foster mother and her home, and very nearly her brother and her own life.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

anirban bora 13 Apr 2005

nice use of colours