• Victor Rolfe
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  • Added 04 Mar 2007
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Dog Food

Outrageous. Shocking. And very sad indeed... This poor dog met a very unhappy end to its no doubt misserable life. The eyes are stricken with terror and pain - the mouth still snarling viciously, even after the poor creature has been roasted to a cinder. Until I saw this, I could somehow never really believe that people actually eat dogs in the Philippines. And, to be fair, even now, I am sure that the percentage of the population that do so is pretty small. I stumbled across this dog's head on a barbecue when I was taking my neighbor's dog for a walk around the back of a newly constructed house on the estate where I live. On enquiry, I found out from one of the construction workers that they had bought the dog when it was still alive, for 200 pesos - (about US$ $4.00 - slightly less than a day's wages for a building laborer here.) The dog was, apparently, killed by being beaten to death and then knifed, in order to let the blood out. Now, I have to admit, I do enjoy eating "balut" (duck embryos - they are very tasty and do wonders for the libido!) But this is one item on the menu here in the Philippines that I would dearly love to see removed forever...

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Anonymous Guest 02 Jun 2013

True, there are still people out here in the Philippines who eat dog meat and I want to put an end to it.. But for now, I can't because I'm just a student.

Artist Reply: I'm glad to say that this sort of thing is becoming slowly less and less acceptable in the Philippines... There are now many many people in the Philippines who are fighting against this and people are becoming more educated about the importance of taking good care of dogs! :)

Merideth Van Every 08 Mar 2007

A picture says a thousand words. This is very disturbing

Artist Reply: I can't even stand looking at this. How I ever managed to even take the shot, I'll never know... But one day, I will have to paint the thing. Not for sale, obviously - but just to show it at an exhibition here in the Philippines. I want people here to know that eating dogs is just NOT acceptable... No matter how hungry they are, or how poor - there is always something else to eat. And if they can't afford any other kind of meat; veggies, fish and rice are more healthy anyway...


Those B*******! who did this should be publicly castrated!..glad you put it on AW,I'm not a Dog fan ,but there is NO reason why this poor animal was slaughtered the way it was.

Artist Reply: To be honest, I really thought that the administrators / moderators of AW would have deleted this by now. Either it was an oversight... or they actually appreciate that art - (by which, I very much include photography - far more difficult than painting, in my experience,) - is more than just about pretty pictures?

Leah Jaarveth 05 Mar 2007

omg...I dont know why I had to see this....poor dog, I wouldl ike to beat the sh*t outa those @#% *&!@# and see how they like being BBQed!!!! This dog was obviously a pit bull breed, just like my pup....god Victor I cant say I thank you for sharing this one.....

Artist Reply: Yeah... I guess that is what really shocked me... the breed. Shoubi is a Pit Bull. The loveliest, soppiest dog I have ever come across! If anyone wishes to comment further, I have started a topic for this on my forums at: http://www.artfreaks.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=363

alice stevenson 04 Mar 2007
