• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 15 Jul 2008
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Congress Takes A Dive

In an effort to solidify their practice of ignoring the wants and needs of their constituents and justify their phony-baloney jobs - members of congress have jumped into the breech to determine the best methods for increasing the cost of gas at the pump to strike a balance between The Twilight Zone and that Fiery Guy who owns their souls ~:0)

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Dianna Newby 18 Aug 2009

what a truthful statement....the only thing that government is good at are Armies...thanks for putting it so simply...love your work and i am a fan

Gavin North 19 Oct 2008

Petrol here is now close to $1.70 a litre unlike what is was 10 years ago at 80 cents a litre. This fuel crisis, to me is not a crisis, but and act of greed. but what can you do. excellent statement in both your work and text Chas

Artist Reply: Yeah Gavin greed is different than making a profit though - you know the oil companies get blamed for greed, but they make only about 8% profit (I make considerably higher profit margin on me own work) - more than half the cost of fuel goes to governments who do nothing at all for that money - it used to be said that gov paid for roads with fuel tax, but it's been shown they've merely grown their bureaucracies and consumed the taxes into general funds and concern themselves with how to remain at the government teet. The oil companies are profit motivated - they couldn't stay in business without profits - and I don't much care for some of the salaries that the upper management types are paid, but the finger of blame really belongs on governments rather than the people who take the capital risks of providing the services and products - just remember, any time a government gets involved in a system it begins to go bad - there is nothing - other than armies - that our governments are any good at operating - give it some thought - it will prove to be edifying ~;0)

Steve Farr 22 Jul 2008

Excellent imagery, Chas!! You're the best!! ~S

Artist Reply: Yeah thanks Steve - this prticular painting was very exciting jumping from the plane and sketching while falling at 120 mph - 250 kph sounds too scary - I knew it was time to pull when the guy above me seemed to stop in mid-air and get left behind - I'd push the little button on me wrist and wait to see if it was the jolt of the ground or the jolt of the canopy that I felt next. Ha! I was always the first one down ~:0)

Booker T. Williams, Jr. 20 Jul 2008

Absolutely love THIS ! ! ! !

Artist Reply: Yeah, you and me both Booker - when the idea hit me I couldn't stop laughing until I finished it and the old trouble and strife said, "It's Nice I guess". Just shown her too much quality of life over the years - I guess - Ha!! ~:0)

Renata Cavanaugh 19 Jul 2008

Excellent work

Artist Reply: Thanks Renata - I think I shoulda had a scream-balloon with Aaarrrggghhh!!! innit there somewhere - more cartoon-like ~:0)