• Oliver Wetter
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  • Image 37 of 104
  • Added 10 May 2010
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This is my contribution to "Artorder Challenge- Discover a Muse" heer: http://www.discoveramuse.com/ The briefing was: "strong, sexy & independent", that´s what I came up with;-) Info about the Contest challenge here: http://artorder.blogspot.com/2010/03/discovering-muse.html Its for a good cause too, so please give it a visit! Model is Veronika Kotlajic There is a kinda process and thoughts about her on my Blog: http://fantasiox.blogspot.com/2010/04/artorder-discover-muse-challenge-entry.html check it out to "discover" more;-)

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 22 May 2010

To view a Masterwork of such eminent significance, is a rare privilege.Sensational! I'm swept up in your forte of clever Artful ability, Inspirational, intricately captured. First Rate!