01 May, 2019
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

Artist Profile Now the Default Portfolio Page

As announced previously, the new Profile Portfolio Page is now the default page of your portfolio. As people click on your name throughout the ArtWanted website, your new Profile page will be the first page that they see in your portfolio.

The new Profile page contains the latest and greatest information about the artist and their artwork. It’s a great way to get a snapshot overview of the artist in a single page and we have had very positive feedback on this new addition to member’ portfolios. Read our full blog post about the new Profile Pages.

If you want to keep the “Gallery” as your main portfolio page visitors see first, we do give you that option. Simply visit your Portfolio Settings page and choose “Gallery” as your “Default Portfolio Page” from the list of options.

Because your Profile Page is the first page people will now see when they visit your portfolio, it’s important that you put your best foot forward. We encourage all members to fill in as much information as possible about themselves in their Portfolio Settings and be sure to upload a photo or self-portrait image in your General Settings, so we can see the artist behind the work.

We also hope our members can take advantage of the new FEATURED IMAGES section of the Profile page, where you can pick up to 20 images from your portfolio to show at the top of your portfolio. This is the best way to pick your best images and show them to the website visitors first. To choose your favorite images from your portfolio, visit the new Favorites List page in your Control Panel.


1 Comment

ArtWanted.com Staff 01 May 2019

FYI - The artist featured in the screen shot for this post is the very talented John Enright. He has been a member of ArtWanted since 2003 - that's 16 years! We invite you to check out his portfolio to see what he has done with his Profile page.
