Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Gina Stass,David Benjamin,marie-claire gallet

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
18 February, 2019
  • Staff

THEME: Shadow Photography

DESCRIPTION: The topic for this art contest is SHADOW PHOTOGRAPHY. Submit a photograph you have taken that includes an obvious shadow in the photo. Short, long, dark, or light - just as long as it's a shadow of another object. Let's see what you can do with light and dark.


PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only photographs will be accepted for this contest, no artwork or drawings for this one.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


22 Contest Entries

Gina Stass 02 Mar 2019

Heart Shadow

David Benjamin 19 Feb 2019

Entry for Shadow Photos "Just waiting for the thaw"

marie-claire gallet 28 Feb 2019

Light and shadow at home on a beautiful day Hope you will enjoy!

Marie josé LAURIER 02 Mar 2019


Ingrid Kolster 28 Feb 2019

Thomas Curry 22 Feb 2019

My Best Friend, Cassie went back to Heaven at 0119 hours on May 19 , 2018. Cassie was 23 years old; my constant companion. As the time approached for the Angels to come for her she wanted only for me to hold her. After 2 weeks and 6 days of holding her,,,she returned home. I lost 17 pounds during this time and became quite dehydrated. We cared for each other throughout her wonderful life. I adopted Cassie because no one wanted her. She was crippled having almost been kicked to death. Cassie spent 8 years as the Deer Lodge Medical Center Theraphy Dog.... I was the one with the disability,,,she was always 'wide open :) ' Cassie was mourned by the entire community. Over 43 people come to pay their respects to her as she was dying...I have received cards and calls from across America about what her visits meant to people, the grandparents, friends, etc. Cassie, was truly, an Angel in a 'fur coat' doing The Lord's business ..... I am so blessed to have her "shadow" with me forever in my Spirit.....

Kevin Smith 27 Feb 2019

Our Martinez Shoreline has a wonderful arch walkway over Alhambra Creek. The creek was used by fisherman up til 1957 to move their boats and catch from the bay.

Nikolay Semyonov 19 Feb 2019

Cola, my Jack Russell terrier is looking for the spring.

Zomrak 22 Feb 2019

Hello, I would like to post this tinted photograph, please, for the Shadow contest : Title : N.Y.C. Between Broadway & Fifth Ave

Date 1979

Wendy Allen 22 Feb 2019

Ghost Bride taken in my bedroom

Michelle Crumrine 19 Feb 2019

Fall trees puddle reflection.

Sigridur Bachmann 28 Feb 2019

Here is my contribution

Stefani Wehner 19 Feb 2019

Here my contest entry for "SHADOWS"! Hope you enjoy!

Norm Tchorz 19 Feb 2019

merle ann johnson 21 Feb 2019

I took this some years ago with my new 35 mil. camera..which is now in my grandsons hands .he is very good at taking beautiful photo's and couldn't afford a new camera.

One morning when I went into the kitchen the sun was shining directly on the scene you see and the shadows made me run to my camera (Olympus OM 2) I also developed the film, and printed it in a class I was taking...So much fun..Hope you like it...G-Ma Johnson

Stew McCulloch 20 Feb 2019

A walk on Semiahmoo Trail in Greater Vancouver in the Surrey/New Westminster region. I love to ride my scooter while my sister walks. She's 14 yrs older than me but she can walk, while I have to ride thanks to several strokes and cancer, oh well I can still get out with her. I really like the shadows on the trail. The monstrous trees give the sun lots to shine around. This image gives you a great feeling of the area. The trail was first cleared for a stagecoach route 40km from Blaine to Brownsville.. You had to take a ferry to New Westminster, the capital of BC, once you got to the river. The walking trail is shorter, only 4km, than the original but still a great workout. The second image is of the same trail but includes my sister, not recognizable except to me.

Dan Ault 20 Feb 2019

Title: Dreams of Closeness

Pamela McGill 19 Feb 2019

Shadow photography.

Natalie Eckman 22 Feb 2019

Carla Huss 27 Feb 2019

I am everything you see, and so much more

More contest entries on the next page...