09 June, 2022
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Updated Home Page and Art Feed

This week we have made some updates to the ArtWanted home page as well as the Art Feed page. Here are the details of the recent changes that were made.

Home Page Changes

We wanted to update the home page of ArtWanted.com to include more artwork from our members and to attract more new eyeballs to the website. One way we have done this was to remove the large search box on the home page (the search is still in the header menu) and replace this with more artwork from the website.

If the visitor is NOT a member of ArtWanted (or they are not logged in yet) they will see a great selection of the last 25 featured artists and their artwork. This gives a great sample of the talent you can find on the website.

If you ARE logged in, we will now display the latest 50 images from your personal Art Feed. These are the most recent uploads for all of the artists you are following on ArtWanted.

Be sure to bookmark the home page of ArtWanted to always see the latest artwork from your favorite artists/members.

Art Feed Changes

As you click the FOLLOW button on the profile page of any artist, that artist will be added to your personal Art Feed. All of their new artwork will show up on your Art Feed page and now the home page. You can also get notified via e-mail each day (optional) when those artists upload new artwork to the website. To access your personal Art Feed, simply click the ART FEED link at the top of any page in the header.

We have updated the ART FEED page on the website to include the following changes:

1. The default Art Feed will now ONLY show artwork from the artists you are following. This change will make the art more personalized to your specific style of art. Previously, it was showing new artwork from artists that you liked an image of in the past.

2. We have added page numbers to the Art Feed. This allows you to see all of the artwork for the artists you follow, going back much further in time that you were able to do previously.

3. We have added a GROUP FEED button, which will show all of the new artwork for any of the artist groups you are a member of.

4. Faster loading of the Art Feed page and more mobile friendly.

5. The most recent artwork of your followed artists will now show on both the Art Feed as well as the home page of ArtWanted.com.

Follow More Artists

All artists on ArtWanted would love to have more followers, wouldn’t you? We hope these changes encourage more people to click the FOLLOW button when they see an artist portfolio they like. As you spend time on ArtWanted and notice artwork that you like, be sure to visit the artist’s profile page and click that FOLLOW button, so you never miss new artwork from them. Happy Following!

Sample Follow Button Placement:
