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14 September, 2022
  • Mark A. Lembo
  • 2 Replies
  • 40 Points

Bulk Edit

Happy New Year! Are there any plans for bulk edit capabilities? For example, if I wanted to update 30+ images from "uncategorized" album to either a specific album or different individual albums. Currently, I have to open each image, edit, save ...

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13 September, 2022
  • Richard Beckstrand
  • 4 Replies
  • 50 Points


Commissions.... Hi, this may be a silly question: Has anyone ever gotten commissions to do work off site? If so, how did the commission experience and the job of the final sale, go? I would like to know your thoughts. Thanks in advance!!...

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13 September, 2022
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 2 Replies
  • 50 Points

Using Phone to look at AW

Is is possible for two changes to be added? When one uses phone for everything, we members can not see the "Thumbs up" or "the heart" against each photo. Can it be moved to bottom or somewhere? That is why it is not being used as much as it should...

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24 June, 2022
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 20 Points

Portfolio Images, listing all information, and using Like, Love buttons

Once a person hits the "Heart" button, should the "Like" button be a given by the computer automatically? Not many people use the "like": button, How can we get people to use the buttons more?

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24 June, 2022
  • Ray Steele
  • 1 Reply
  • 30 Points


I never thought my art work would get this much attention really WoW

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24 June, 2022
  • Marija Knezevic
  • 1 Reply
  • 70 Points

Contacting artwanted team

Contacting artwanted team How am I supposed to contact art wanted team regarding questions I have about my subscription if I cannot use the link "contact us" as it gives the error message and I really need to speak to someone immediately. Sorry for posting this here, perhaps ...

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24 June, 2022
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 40 Points

Adding the date to each comment

Adding the date to each comment Is it possible to add the day to each comment one answers? This way when someone does not come to AW until a few days later, two things happen: One, they know when the comment was made and two, now they know the date to look in Pics of the day! ...

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24 June, 2022
  • Mark Peterson
  • 30 Points

Images in our order

It would be nice to put our images in order as we wish without a premium account. I have been to other sites where we can do this. You can select and paste in order where you want your image to be. I really think this would help Art Wanted to get mor...

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24 June, 2022
  • Lucia Stewart
  • 20 Points

Artwork page with wasted space

Would it be possible to equally spread, the group and tag names on both sides of the page (when viewing a single artwork) or perhaps have it in a line directly under the image and not in a column to the right as it currently is. It seems a long way t...

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24 June, 2022
  • Mark A. Lembo
  • 1 Reply
  • 30 Points

Dark Mode as a permanent setting in General Settings

Is it possible to have Dark Mode as a permanent setting? Seems every time I log out the settings revert to Light Mode. Cheers, MAL

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24 June, 2022
  • greg mccann
  • 20 Points

Links for original sales like Etsy - is this a Premium Feature?

The title says it all - can I post links with individual listings on a Premium membership?

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24 June, 2022
  • Yury Yanin
  • 5 Replies
  • 50 Points


Uploader Could not upload a new image right now! In the "drug and drop" mode the tricky electronic thing writes for me "OOPS! I have a trouble", In the "select files" option it doesn't show files in my computer. So I have the only option left - to send images...

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13 May, 2022
  • Sharon LeAnne Miller
  • 3 Replies
  • 120 Points

Art Jobs classifieds.....Again??

Art Jobs classifieds.....Again?? One very specific Positive aspect of the Older Original site was the capabilities for the artists of the Community to search the various Job filler/content wanted positions. This was One of the aspects I actually GREATLY benefited from....

In Review
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05 May, 2022
  • Jeff Bogue
  • 50 Points

Selling mugs ext. with our art.

The site needs to develop it so our images to put on mugs, ext. are adjustable to adjust the picture. It is now just the art print and it might have background we do not wand on the mug. We need to adjust the image....

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05 May, 2022
  • Mark Peterson
  • 40 Points

Who is viewing ?

I think it would be nice to see who is viewing our work besides through likes and favorites... I don't mean Internationally with the flags... I mean what member is viewing our work most. Often members view work but do not comment, like or favor. This...

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05 May, 2022
  • Fred Rousseau
  • 6 Replies
  • 90 Points

Art Contests

I would venture to suggest that art contests be presented on a more regular basis.If it is too difficult for Art Wanted to do this,then say on a two-monthly or quarterly basis.The idea is that it should be on a more regular basis,for example, a new c...

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09 April, 2022
  • Valora Abbett
  • 12 Replies
  • 170 Points

Change How Portfolio View Stats Are Counted

I don't think that us viewing our own profiles, portfolios, and individual portfolio images should be included in our stats. It gives a false number. I personally only want to see my organic and returning traffic. So, if there is a way you can separa...

Under Construction
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09 January, 2022
  • Michelle Hoffmann
  • 20 Points

Place Member Artwork at top of page

When I am submitting my own artwork, I always forget to look at the member artwork until just as I click the submit button. I have missed out on several pieces that looked good and I would have commented on if I had seen it sooner. Having it at the...

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04 February, 2021
  • Mark A. Lembo
  • 20 Points

Trend data: Last three or last six months view

Current view options include only show 'by year' views which make it difficult to see near-term trends early in the year - cannot compare January and/or February with previous year, 'Last three' or 'last six' months view would allow users to see t...

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03 February, 2021
  • Ginger Olansen
  • 20 Points

On Edit image, under Groups and Water Mark" list.

Why are you dividing the artist groups section,? There are now are 3 categories. The items under "Europe" why is that named? Why is it grouped? This makes it more complicated?

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