Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Loren D Adams,Miro Gradinscak,Andrew Wahrmund

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
18 August, 2021
  • Staff

THEME: Sports Art

DESCRIPTION: The topic for this art contest is SPORTS. The Summer Olympics have just concluded and we saw some amazing athletes perform at their best. For this art contest, submit any art you have created for any sport. Baseball, basketball, soccer, football, tennis are just a few we name here, but you get the idea. We want you to submit original artwork you have done of any recognized sport. Good luck - we hope you get the gold medal!

VOTING STARTS: 6-Sept-2021

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only artwork can be submitted for this contest, no photographs please.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


11 Contest Entries

Loren D Adams 22 Aug 2021

SPORT-FISHING ~ C@1968 - 16"x 20" original oil painting on canvas - "Today's Catch"

Miro Gradinscak 19 Aug 2021

NBA Live Drawing - Graphite pencils on paper

Andrew Wahrmund 01 Sep 2021

The Olympics allow us to see amazing feats the participants themselves are amazed at. When worldwide sporting events become minor entertainment to make room for political Olympics, pretending to be entertained may become a new sport. - This illustration of a woman pole vaulter in 2021 is amazing when compared to pole vaulters who considered a bamboo pole as" innovative high tech" 70 years ago.

Elena Sokolova 19 Aug 2021

Olympic gold, oil, canvas, 40 cm x 60 cm

Aleksandr Klyuyanov 19 Aug 2021

Fresco Olympic Graces

O. Yemi Tubi 26 Aug 2021

In this Rose and Thorns painting, I chose to spotlight an American sensational artistic gymnast Simone Biles: The Golden Rose. As it often says “no pain, no gain”; before she started to smell the roses of successes she would experience the thorns of challenges and trials like injuries in training and competitions. In preparing for this painting, I researched about this American Golden Rose to give me insight into her life. Simone was given up by her mother when she was just two, and she was shuffled into various foster care programs before being adopted and raised by her grandparents. Doubtlessly, those were the thorns periods of her life. Rosy time of her life so far was the 2016 Olympic Games in which she was the most decorated gold medalist in world championship gymnastics history. This is what I depicted in this painting.

higinio alguacil 21 Aug 2021

Tiro olímpico.

Ginger Lovellette 27 Aug 2021

Bull Fighting!

Dan Ault 18 Aug 2021

A watercolor of my neice's son at the high school state championships.

J Kong 31 Aug 2021

Hardcore chocolate (53 x 38 cm, gouache on paper, 2021 finished) The man shows his excellent back. Strong muscles build mountains and rivers. The perfect contrast of light and shadow. All worth the efforts.

cervantes wu 25 Aug 2021

A sunflower football player that I created in a meeting
