• Matthew Woodard
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  • Added 31 Jul 2023
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Black Hole Son

Original / 32" x 42" / Mixed media: Yarn (main texture); caulk added between & on yarn; acrylic & acrylic metallic. Designed using the Golden Ratio, "Black Hole Son", for me, represents everything colorful, beautiful, & happy in the outside world spinning around a dark void that is depression. The tiny, seemingly insignificant spec of light in the center of the void is you. Waking daily believing it's your day, a new beginning, & you'll finally break free & live a normal life. Yet, it's hard to break free of that event horizon, the walls of your bedroom/home. A powerful force in your mind focused on all the reasons not to break out. Continuously dragging you back in, pulling you down to the void each morning, week, month, etc. Denying you the opportunity to experience the colors outside. Strapped by a fragile hope shattering fear of a negative encounter, comment, or event. The travesty of never sharing the light within you with the world & being suppressed by the intense force in your mind. Sometimes you get better, regress, then you get better again. Stay Strong, Stay Positive. There is Hope!

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