




Portfolio Gallery

A passionate and vibrant modern vision of British landscape painting in oils, my creations bring to life the natural beauty of Britain’s best-loved landmarks. Here, cloud formations, seasons, radiant light and colours affect our mood and conscious thought, and inspire poetry as well as painting, words and paint inextricably twinned together as I take you on a journey around the British Isles and beyond, capturing in an eternal medium momentary sunbeams of light and refracted layers of detail. Together we share a voyage of discovery, an exciting journey searching for the hidden treasures of the natural world, immortalised through art. We are able to roam together in the wilds with freedom and find a tranquil redemption when at last we reach our home. My paintings also raise important questions about how our countryside can be tended, while still allowing the necessary development of progress. My goal is to inspire others to visit new landmarks, experience the wonders of the outdoors and the healing power of the world around us.

3 Images for People/Portrait