• Terri Henderson
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  • Added 06 Oct 2006
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Sock Monkey Ponders Life

This painting reflects my current mood, as I've been wondering lately what the world is coming to with all the violence that has been reported in the news in such a short time. I just want to stare out the window and ask, "WHY?"

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tim linville 26 Jan 2007

...Poor Sock monkey...:)A very happy,yet whimsical style you have!Nice feel in the colorwork!

Michael Miles 27 Oct 2006

Another favorite of mine, this ws done when I was ill, it made me smile when you showed me. Great color use and the use of greens and blues in the shading is interesting, I'll have to take note of that rare technique! Who's your influence? LOL! Love Ya!

Artist Reply: This one is my favorite also. You know you're the one who twisted my arm into shading and shadowing, something I never bothered to do and thought was not necessary when not doing realism, but I like it and am glad you taught me. Thanks.

Anne Vis 06 Oct 2006

Great job, Terri!

Christine brand 06 Oct 2006


Artist Reply: Thanks! I remember my little sock monkey. It was a tiny one that I got at a garage sale for one cent. My brother and I could shape it's butt to make it pointed, and then we would laugh at it. I don't know what happened to my sock monkey with the big butt. I've made several sock monkeys for family and friends.

Olga van Dijk 06 Oct 2006

I love your sock monkey's!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Olga... I loved sock monkeys as a child and somehow got talked into making one for my daughter. We had seen a book about a sock monkey in the store, so I told her all about mine. I found the right kind of socks and made her one. Then I made her some out of different colored socks. Then I decided to paint them. It's been a lot of fun.